Myth vs Fact for Discussion #1

I am working on an information project where I would appreciate some feedback from actual people in the know so to speak. If you are uncomfortable answering or discussing this in a public forum, please reply via email at 1. MYTH: Legalizing prostitution gets rid of its criminal elements - pimps and traffickers. FACT: Legalizing prostitution benefits pimps and traffickers. It also benefits johns. This is not a question of whether it should be legalized or not at this moment, but more of whether the statements above in their entirety are true or false. Personally I think it depends: legalize (or decriminalize) the act of individuals engaging in the trade BUT keep laws against pimping and traffickers in effect and increase the fines/jail time/etc. for pimps and traffickers. Of course it will benefit the Johns.... and? Please discuss and I thank you in advance for your contribution and statements.
Black Sedan's Avatar
Well aren't you playing devil's advocate here...

1. Prohibition benefits the criminal element. Ladies need a lot more "management" because they need the manager's experience to evade arrest, the requisite expense of a defense, screening for LE, the know-how marketing carefully in the shadows. All of those barriers to entry are due to prohibition.

2. Ending Prohibition ushers in regulation. Regulation breeds more safety. In some jurisdictions, the courts and vice already do STD testing during booking. Regulation should lead to licensure of management. For example, preventing those with criminal histories in violence from legitimating participating. Regulation could also require frequent testing, with stiff penalties for evading such.

3. Taxes! You can tax that which is legal. Tennessee even tries to tax that which is illegal... but that failed pretty miserably. Management is more expensive for being a crime. The market will pay what it will pay - more money is available for the ladies and the public coffers if management is no longer an illegal activity.

4. Trafficking! If being a legitimate, regulated manager/agent is no longer illegal, the traffickers are now more at risk - as there would not*be a fear of arrest and prosecution for legitimate operators exposing the traffickers to law enforcement. ICE could work then work with the community of licensed agents to uncover criminal operations. In addition to the boon to fighting the trafficking issue; "pimps" would not get licensed, due to criminal histories, and the end of the easy money. Then being an unlicensed promoter of prostitution would necessarily have stiffer criminal statutes.

5. Benefit to Johns? No criminal charges, sure. But I don't think the "rates" would be much affected. I don't think there can truly be a comparison with substance prohibition - as the COSTS in moving the product were significant, thus the supply costs necessarily affected the market price.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I was out of the country and in a location where prostitution is legal (within some very rigid guidelines). From a client perspective, it was absolutely wonderful. I didn't have to deal with that little nagging feeling that the person at the other end of the deal was LE. It was more relaxed, and I didn't feel like I was sneaking around.

If prostitution were legalized, I think it would be a boon to independent providers while bringing a better sense of safety and security to all involved. If legalized/decriminalized prostitution existed, providers would be licensed and monitored by local agencies. Thus, clients would be less likely to worry about STDs or scam artists.

Providers would benefit from the knowledge their business wouldn't be at risk from over-zealous cops/prosecutors. This would give them the opportunity to step out of the shadows and really market themselves.

I think the quality of service would rise and the true force of supply and demand would benefit all.
  • npita
  • 05-27-2010, 05:54 PM
1. MYTH: Legalizing prostitution gets rid of its criminal elements - pimps and traffickers. FACT: Legalizing prostitution benefits pimps and traffickers. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
There is no answer to that question outside the context of how prostitution would be legalized.
The site that this is coming from is which is not a discussion site and therefore there is no one on that site to refute, disagree, or rebuttal. As stated on another thread I have my own opinion and disagreement with much that they say. Alas I am but one person and I was trying to find out what my peers thought about some of the idiotic things that they say.
  • npita
  • 05-27-2010, 08:43 PM
The site that this is coming from is which is not a discussion site and therefore there is no one on that site to refute, disagree, or rebuttal. As stated on another thread I have my own opinion and disagreement with much that they say. Alas I am but one person and I was trying to find out what my peers thought about some of the idiotic things that they say. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Read the ``about'' page. That site was founded by Melissa Farely. She is a feminist in the most perjorative sense of that term and a rabid opponent of prostitution in any form. What she calls research is nothing more than her agenda repackaged as a study, to make it appear more credible. You can be sure that anything she points out in favor of prostitution is really a strawman she included for the purpose of shooting it down.
pyramider's Avatar
Sounds like the same argument against casinos in TX.

Prostitution is different than pimping and trafficing. An indy does not have a pimp. The indy is an independent contractor.
I always tend to over explain myself, using TMI to try and get a point across. One of those pesky quirks I have. I know that Farley person is a fruit loop (I'm sure she would think I was one as well), I know the site is bullshit for her propaganda. I was just trying to get y'alls opinion on what she calls myth/fact. In other words.....

If prostitution were legalized/decriminalized/whatever, how would that affect pimps and traffickers? As a benefit or deterrent?

That's the question I would like to get your views on.

pyramider's Avatar
Pimps are master manipulators and be always be preying on innocents. But the decriminalization, or legalization, of prostitution would force a culling of the pimp herd.

Human trafficers, or white slavery, will still be present, too. I would thinck there activities in the US would be curtailed somewhat. However, their activities beyond our borders will continue unabated.

I believe the overall picture to be a positive. But the criminal elements will still be present.
Gryphon's Avatar
In some ways it depends on the mandate given to LE after legalization. If they are to investigate accusations of trafficking and prosecute those who exploit providers, then it would be detrimental to the bad guys. If LE had no such mandate and chose to ignore such accusations, which would primarily come from providers, then the situation would be pretty much the same as it is now. I don't see any way that legalizing prostitution would make life easier for pimps or traffickers.
Thank you, I appreciate your views.
  • PullT
  • 05-30-2010, 09:03 AM
Canada, France, UK and others have systems that are pretty much in line with your basic premise...prostitution is legal, whereas solicitation in public, pimping and trafficking is illegal.