does anyone have a review on Sabrina??

I've seen her ad up for awhile, even in Austin a couple of times. But never heard anything about her on here. Just wondering??
It looks really suspicious. I strongly suspect fake pics, or weak service, or cash and dash, or all three.

My gut says, "Stay away."
That's what mine say's but i also found this link and one of the comments said that she was and escort. let me include this site.
Geez!! Those are some hot pics, if you like that sort of thing.

I say TOFTT & report back. Or drop it. If she's legit, she'll get really busy and her rates will go up really FAST!!! But I can't imagine a girl looking like that charging the bargain basement prices she is.
yea i know. i guess its to good to be true. thnks for the reply
  • PullT
  • 05-29-2010, 10:26 PM
You live in Dallas...there's no reason whatsoever to even consider anything if you lived in Bozeman MT...I might say give it a TOFTT