EL Recon Request

I'm screened and want to setup a session but at the price might be a one time deal. So who do you think I should pick? Here's my thoughts:

Alexa - looks good but might be older than what I'm looking for.

Solana - looks like fun but the implants might be distracting

Bella - looks fun but there's no recon on this one.

Carol - also looks fun but not a lot of Intel

Cynthia - looks a bit bigger but no Intel at all so don't know

Or should I look somewhere else. Maybe someone has seen them sitting around and could give some details.
atanion's Avatar
What are you looking for? Age, body type, services, etc.?
Thinking younger. Not a bigger girl. Someone not mechanical.
atanion's Avatar
Thinking younger. Not a bigger girl. Someone not mechanical. Originally Posted by degeneratehou

Rebecca fits that description, but she no longer works for Exotic Latinas. They rotate new girls in from time to time so you may want to watch their posts in OH2. However, for now at least, I recommend looking elsewhere.
Ok. I thought I was going to go that route too but their post today has a picture of Bella that I think has caused me to make a choice finally.
Bearmintchocolate's Avatar
degeneratehou: Check your PM
atanion's Avatar
Ok. I thought I was going to go that route too but their post today has a picture of Bella that I think has caused me to make a choice finally. Originally Posted by degeneratehou

If you go with Bella, please post a review.
Ended up going with Solana. Review coming soon.