Just in time for 2016 Election - Hillary, the Movie

No, I'm not shitting you.

Hollywood is going to produce a movie about a young Hillary Clinton in 1974. She was a junior staff lawyer working on Nixon's impeachment. Apparently, that is worthy of a movie, even though she was one of many Congressional staff lawyers - and not one of you can name a single other staff lawyer that worked on the impeachment investigation.

But the idiotic left-wing propaganda doesn't end there. Oh no, dear children. Just look at the list of actresses considered for the part - Jessica Chastain, Scarlett Johansson, Amanda Seyfried, and Reese Witherspoon. Because, as we all know, in 1974 Hillary was a dead ringer for Scarlett Johansson, right?

I wonder why Lena Dunham isn't on the list.

But wait. It gets worse. Here is some jerk-off material for BigTex:
"The film's script, written by Young il-Kim, made last year's “Black List”, which highlights Hollywood's best unrealised scripts. Having been leaked by The Daily Beast earlier this month, it attracted attention for its racier scenes. But Kim told The Daily Telegraph: "I didn't write 50 Shades of Rodham, as some news outlets are suggesting. I am a boring prude with little imagination."
Asked whether the final draft would include sex scenes, Mr Kim replied: "It's an evolving process so I don't know. She was an attractive 26-year-old with an amazing future. And that's our thematic focus."

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Mr. Kim must be legally blind.

BTW, I love the focus on 1974.

They can skip the ENTIRE rest of her pre-Senatorial career being married to - and standing by - a serial cheater.

They get to avoid dwelling on the type of cold-blooded calculating person it takes to put up with that type of humiliation while she waits "her turn" to be president.

And we get to suffer through another round of nepotism in this country.

I hope some other Democrat shellacks her in the primaries.
Iowa is trending Hillary.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I just don't see why the Democrats like her. Her husband did a good job as President, but what good has she ever done on her own?
Here is the fun part. She graduate Yale law school in 1973, and went to work as a Congressional legal counsel. In 1974, she moved to Arkansas. She married Clinton in 1975.

So, she was a first year attorney in DC and spent only about a year at it. And THAT is worthy of a movie. Really?

And who was she having sex with in the movies "racier scenes"? Was Bill visiting her in DC? Yuck, I don't even want to think about it.

Or was she boning some other guy or gal?

Inquiring minds don't want to know.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
She was an attractive 26-year-old with an amazing future. And that's our thematic focus."

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Attractive 26 yo? I agree with you Ex

Attractive 26 yo? I agree with you Ex

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Damn. Didn't either of them ever hear of Clearasil?

I can just see the makeup artist busting out laughing when the director asks him to make Scarlett Johansson look like Hillary.
She's definitely got that Lezbo forehead.
Looks like to me Political Assassination Hollywood style.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
You guys must be getting really desperate to dig this pathetic shit up to post about. Looks like all the faux scandals have come back down with a great big thud and Obama's numbers have held steady and are on the rise again. Too bad, so sad.

Rush says Obama's approval is "unaffected by reality".

Yeah, like he Rove and Dick Morris have any connection to reality (except the one's that like writers of fiction, they make up for themselves and their fans).

How did that false flag operation at the IRS work out for you?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You guys must be getting really desperate to dig this pathetic shit up to post about. Looks like all the faux scandals have come back down with a great big thud and Obama's numbers have held steady and are on the rise again. Too bad, so sad. Originally Posted by austxjr
This is a Hillary thread, not a Obama failure of the week thread. She is out of office doing nothing now, but Hollywood seems to want to keep her name in the news. What else are we supposed to talk about with her. She took all the blame for Benghazi and promptly resigned so there just not else worthwhile to talk about her....until there is.
How did that false flag operation at the IRS work out for you? Originally Posted by austxjr
How does the IRS scandal qualify as a "false flag"? False flag for what?

Do you even know what that expression means?

This thread was about Obama, knucklehead.

Too bad if you don't like seeing Hillary scathed.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Pay attention - False flag - Rove got Republican Schulman, who was in charge of IRS (one of two appointed officials at IRS) to use low level employees to foil Tea Party organizations by scrutinizing them more (ooh, questions and delays - something Repulicans just cannot handle) and get it blamed on Obama administration.

Besides, this was a Hillary thread as CC said. Or perhaps a Hollywood thread, but hey, in Sandbox politics it is all just an anti-Dem or anti-Repub thread anyway IMHO. Hillary "scathed" by the likes of you... that is rich!

CC - "Hollywood" doesn't need to keep her name in the news. Hollywood is not some monolithic organization with an agenda other than making money like most businesses. Hollywood is a bunch of liberals that operate about as well as herding cats when it isn't a bunch of Conservatives who talk to empty chairs of think they ARE Moses (or perhaps God even), just because they played him once 50 years ago.

Come on guys, keep up. I'm growing tired of having to explain stuff to you.
Damn. Didn't either of them ever hear of Clearasil?

I can just see the makeup artist busting out laughing when the director asks him to make Scarlett Johansson look like Hillary. Originally Posted by ExNYer

They were just blushing Bill had just nailed her.
Uncle Han's Avatar
I hope some other Democrat shellacks her in the primaries. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Secretary of State John Kerry still wants to be president. I'm sure he's motivated to be cooperative with Benghazi investigators. Then he can join the list of men who have dumped on and abused Hilary. For a leader of women's rights, she sure let a lot of men walk all over her. Is this an example women want to hold up for their daughters to emulate?