Critique PM??

bojulay's Avatar
Do any ladies ever like to have a Critique PM from a guy after seeing him
or does the idea seem insulting or something?

Seems like it would be a good tool for information exchange.

Or could be a way to piss someone off maybe.

Guess it would depend on the person,
and the continence, or if it is done in a cordial respectful manner.

Have any providers ever sent a pm after seeing someone
and ask for a critique of their time together?

Could also be used for future reference,
sense providers don't have access to review ROS,
and reviews seem to be a sort of one sided affair.

I would like doing this , but only if the lady would be
open and responsive to it.

A lot of people don't take any criticism well in our reactive,
non-proactive modern society, where so many are already
an expert in their own mind.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar

We already get picked apart in reviews isnt that enough?
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I don't think that would be beneficial. It would probably be as well received as a lady sending a pm critiquing the gent.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I've gotten some rabid pm's for just telling someone "no" or "I'm not interested." Can only imagine what you'd get back with a 'critique' one.
bojulay's Avatar
I've gotten some rabid pm's for just telling someone "no" or "I'm not interested." Can only imagine what you'd get back with a 'critique' one. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Wow!! Sounds like you missed out on some glorious encounters.
A couple of new girls once asked after the session if they were doing things right, if I liked the incall, if their pics were OK, etc. It's like they were asking advice on how to get better and weren't quite sure of themselves. They were fine, but it was curious to me they asked. I got the idea they were serious about this.
  • hd
  • 06-02-2015, 09:36 AM
I got a receipt the other day at Home Depot asking for my opinion and a chance to win a 5000$ gift card..............hint.....hin t!!

OK, so maybe not a good idea?
I don't know how it would be done without insulting some or all of the gals. I think it could be of benefit from the stand point that any of the girls wanting to improve or fine tune what they have to offer.
Maybe an area in the review that only a provider could see. That would curb some of the unnecessary negative comments in the review. I personally try to refrain from any negative comments unless it is fairly obvious the girl does not really care if I had a good time or not. I have had very few bad experiences and they were mainly from me not doing my homework.
I know that if there is anything that I could change to make the girl happier to see me I would want to know. I too have been asked if everything was okay by a provider. It was a nice touch.
jdkees's Avatar
How about a compromise? Any provider who receives a critique PM gets to also make a post in the reviews section that 'reviews' the client. Includes items like "cleanliness", "nice/friendly", "not an asshole", "behaved appropriately", "paid agreed upon amount", and "would see again".

I suspect it would go fucking splendidly.

Or we could go for the even more hilarious entry fields, like "could perform at all sexually".

Yeah, I think it's probably not a compromise many of the guys here would go for.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
A bad idea on so many levels.

Unless she ASKS for feed back, it's best to leave it alone.
If you have something to say, say it in person. I'll give examples of criticisms I've heard about OTHER ladies:

It could be as subtle as "I was a little leery driving up because the neighborhood is sketchy, but once I walked in I was glad I didn't drive away!" It's a compliment, but a smart provider will look at her neighborhood in a new light.

It could be a simple positive suggestion like "Sweetheart, you need to have clean towels. Most providers offer them."

Or a slightly critical "I wish you had told me there was no hot water before I arrived. I would have timed this so I could go by my gym"

Or even improve the session in the moment "I'm feeling your teeth in the BJ." (why endure a bad BJ and then critique her after you've left??)

ANY of those types of comments are better in person than waiting until you get home to write and tell her!
Knight2554's Avatar
If you have something to say, say it in person. I'll give examples of criticisms I've heard about OTHER ladies:

It could be as subtle as "I was a little leery driving up because the neighborhood is sketchy, but once I walked in I was glad I didn't drive away!" It's a compliment, but a smart provider will look at her neighborhood in a new light.

It could be a simple positive suggestion like "Sweetheart, you need to have clean towels. Most providers offer them."

Or a slightly critical "I wish you had told me there was no hot water before I arrived. I would have timed this so I could go by my gym"

Or even improve the session in the moment "I'm feeling your teeth in the BJ." (why endure a bad BJ and then critique her after you've left??)

ANY of those types of comments are better in person than waiting until you get home to write and tell her! Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Great points Honey. A emotionally mature and confident provider would take these in person suggestions to heart, but to be honest, those are few and far between. A lot of providers would become defensive, either giving sub par passion or might even end the session all together. Its kind of a read the situation kind of thing in my opinion.

doug_dfw's Avatar

We already get picked apart in reviews isnt that enough? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
This is not public. It is personal. No one gets to know unless you tell it.

I have always found private suggestions for improvement motivational.

Guess I want to be at the top of my game.

However I am rare.

I know I cannot be at the top of my game when i don't know what i am missing in the game.

Just saying
doug_dfw's Avatar
I don't think that would be beneficial. It would probably be as well received as a lady sending a pm critiquing the gent. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Please read my post. I want to know what I could do to improve my game.
doug_dfw's Avatar
I've gotten some rabid pm's for just telling someone "no" or "I'm not interested." Can only imagine what you'd get back with a 'critique' one. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Yep. That is 47% of you folks. Listened to the Liberals, didn't you.