traveling later

I plan on traveling later today,
and I was wondering what type of music do you listen to while driving? Is there a song that really gets you HOT!!!
WMJ4657's Avatar
For us guys we would just tape a pic of you to the steering wheel & then anything on the radio would do the trick!!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Call me dull and boring (I plead guilty), but I don't want to get HOT when I'm driving. We have too much of a problem with distracted drivers as it is.


When I'm traveling I listen to music that helps keep me calm.with all the no driving assholes on the road around me.sirusxm symphony Hall ( classical music) and the spa channel its new age zen type music. Hot music might put me into road rage mode.
nevercanhavetoomuch's Avatar
For me it's Blues, Classic Country or Classical depending on my mood.
DallasRain's Avatar
Kid Rock
Chris Stapleton
or Blackberry Smoke
Guns and Roses
White Snake
Rolling Stones
Kid Rock
Def Leppard
Good Southern Rock is what I jam to in the car and the bedroom.
I love it when I'm on my way to an outcall and a hooker song comes on… Call Me, Roxanne, etc.