Ingraham: Republicans may be walking into a trap

  • oeb11
  • 10-06-2021, 11:30 AM

Laura Ingraham: Conservative speech under threat

Could Facebook outrage from the left just be a clever way to rev up the speech police against alternative points of view ahead of the election - all under the guise of protecting the children?

Laura Ingraham said Tuesday that she was skeptical of the left's outrage and condemnation of Facebook amid accusations it causes damage to young users and endangers national security.
The barrage of criticism came after a whistleblower and former Facebook employee, Frances Haugen, came forward, accusing the tech giant of putting profits ahead of safety.
"The choices being made inside of Facebook are disastrous for our children, for our public safety, for our privacy, and for our democracy," Haugen told lawmakers. "I saw Facebook repeatedly encounter conflicts between its own profits and our safety.
The same left that appears to be outraged at the social media tech giant for allegedly endangering children, according to Ingraham, emboldens "porn, drugs, … gender-bending, school shutdowns, mask mandates, and their holy grail of abortion."
"Not so fast," the Fox News host said on Democrats' new moves against Facebook. "The fact is, Republicans may be walking straight into a trap."
"But the point is, after all they've done to damage our children and steal their innocence, we’re supposed to trust them on the Facebook and Instagram issue? Color me skeptical," she said.
Ingraham surmised that the real "beef" the left has is that Facebook doesn't do enough to censor conservative voices. "
"It has nothing to do with children," she said. "The left doesn’t like Facebook because Facebook has refused to suppress all conservative speech. That’s it. The left has decided to drive conservatives off of the Internet, and they’re afraid Facebook won’t be sufficiently loyal to their plans. They actually got away with banning the former president of the United States — and that’s not enough power for them."
The left is most afraid of "voters and free speech" as those factors could hurt their chances in elections, according to Ingraham. That's why, she continued, they are soft with China. If the left had its way, she said, the extreme among them would bring communist values on freedom of speech to the United States.
"If they could, some of these hardline Democrats would ban all dissenting opinions on social media. Just like China, they’d call it a threat to the social order, a threat to security, and to harmony," she said. "This all makes sense if your goal is to maintain power by any means necessary."
Ingraham warned Republicans should tread carefully as "the Left cannot be trusted on this issue."
Ingraham believes that if Democrats have a supermajority of power, they would abandon bipartisanship and "pass legislation that has the effect of silencing all dissenting speech … They would pack the courts to approve that legislation."
If the left's ideal plan unfolded, according to Ingraham, the First Amendment, the "freedom that generations of Americans have fought to preserve – would be gone."
"God help any Republican who would assist them."

Comment - FB is another propaganda arm of teh information control system of teh marxist DPST autocratic tyranny.

why they would go after suckerberg - One of their own - I question

Perhaps it is because he is not quite as radical marxist censorship Uber alles as teh radical progressive marxists want.

so they destroy One of their own.

Ingraham is thoughtful - she may well be correct.

It may be a DPST Ploy / Trap to enact censorship laws favoring only DPST marxist propaganda.

we shall See

Buck fiden

From my cold dead hands.