Good Morning! Another piece of friendly advice to WD and two others.

Treetop78759's Avatar
WD, let me give you and the others that RTM me a quick piece of friendly advice.

Every single time you RTM a thread two things happen.

First, you bring in unwanted mod attention.

Secondly, you are a vocal poster so when you RTM a post you will be held to a higher standard.

Example. When you hit the RTM button you were then pointed for what you wrote about me.

I can say with 100% certainty that had you not brought unwanted attention when RTM me twice in two days you wouldn't have been pointed.

There is only one reason I will ever RTM a post. So should you.

Don't get caught with your pants down!

Cheers and be safe.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Those who lecture on the rules will also be held to a higher standard.

Trust me.
Who are the other 2?
Dev Null's Avatar
How do you know which individuals RTM? Clairvoyant? Or do the mods disclose who RTM's you when they hand out infractions?

More likely just making assumptions. That would be my guess.
nuglet's Avatar
according to Buffalo Springfield, Paranoia strikes deep. lol
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar