Bob Beckel and others predicted an October Surprise...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
...could Ebola and the blame game be it? We are going to get ad after ad after ad (unless they totally fail) telling us that the GOP is responsible for the Ebola outbreak. Seems convenient.
Another Ebola thread? Or another blame the republicans thread?
...could Ebola and the blame game be it? We are going to get ad after ad after ad (unless they totally fail) telling us that the GOP is responsible for the Ebola outbreak. Seems convenient. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here you go again with the October Surprise shit. If it happens, it will come in the form of an all-out attack on ISIL/ISIS. That's something that mouthbreathers like you (but on the Democratic side) can get their heads around. Blaming Ebola on the Republicans? Not so much.
Obama doesn't have it in his DNA to do an "all out attack" on ISIL... But a Kerry-style "pinprick", you betcha!

And the Democrats were 1st out with blaming Ebola on the GOP...
But post your link of the GOP blaming Obama for Ebola.
Onihilist's are tricky...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here you go again with the October Surprise shit. If it happens, it will come in the form of an all-out attack on ISIL/ISIS. That's something that mouthbreathers like you (but on the Democratic side) can get their heads around. Blaming Ebola on the Republicans? Not so much. Originally Posted by timpage
All out attack? Does anyone here really believe that is going to happen? Anyone? Timmie?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

The Hill publishes a story that Ebola may be the October surprise. Who knew? Oh, that was me,wasn't it....
If you had a thought of your own it would really be a October surprise.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me see....who was it that in 2010 lifted the quarantine procedures by executive order? That's right, it was Obama. He set the stage for this outbreak. He took away the power of the HLS to quarantine someone sick, he opened the border like someone's vein, and then he started bringing people into this country with communicable diseases like Ebola and the boringly named virus that is paralyzing kids. (and killing a couple now)
I have said it before and will again. If you really are a instructor the kids are fucked.