Taking a break

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I don't actively seek "relationships" in the P4P arena, but, on those very rare occasions when I feel like something clicks with someone, I do embrace them.

I've found someone. More precisely, she found me. She's more than I could reasonably have hoped for and much better than I could possibly deserve.

To cut to the chase, inspired by her, I'm making some changes in my life, trying to become more oriented to things and people that make my life better, less toward those that have little utility, bring me no pleasure, or actually feed negative emotions. ECCIE falls into the latter category. (So does BFW.)

So I won't be hanging around here much anymore, or at least for the foreseeable future. Maybe I'll be back when she realizes how much better she can do, but for now, what I have going is as good as it could possibly get.

My best to the good folks still here.
Kmac's Avatar
  • Kmac
  • 01-05-2020, 10:34 AM
Good luck to you Sir! Best wishes as well.
doublebogey49's Avatar
Good luck, Lance. Thanks for all of your contributions.
Quark's Avatar
  • Quark
  • 01-05-2020, 11:50 AM
Such things are rare and wonderful. I hope it lasts a very long time.
Good for you Sir for finding a "buddy". It doesn't have to be the end of the world as we know it though. Just keep In mind that two buddies+ are better than one and so forth and so on...

Best of luck. Just don't let her use you up
baldbrotha1's Avatar
I wish you the best and I offer some advice. It goes without saying, that both of you have to be out of the business and this world 100% in order for it to work. This world bends the idea of "healthy relationship!" Her work phone and your hobby phone is out. As long as either of you leave the door open, infidelity is inevitable. I hope it works out!
Thank you for your participation.
Hectorsilverman's Avatar
Best of luck to you Sir Lance! Remember, it doesn’t have to be forever, just for now. Thanks for all your contributions, very much appreciated.
That's an awesome way to start the new year. I sincerely hope this is a positive change in your life. Glad that I got to meet you and wish you all the best.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Bon chance, Sir L. It’s been a pleasure all these years. Stop in and give us an update from time to time.
Good luck Sir L!!! Wishing you nothing but the best!
Fanasty's Avatar
Awhh good luck with your new beauty.
mtabsw's Avatar
Fair winds and following seas.
Good luck to you!
Chung Tran's Avatar
rock on SL!

I hope it works out in your favor!