2020 state of the race

  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 08:50 AM
Bernie Sanders regained second place in a Monmouth nationwide Democratic primary poll, pushing Elizabeth Warren down to third place. Sanders secured 21% support in the poll released Tuesday, slightly behind former Vice President Joe Biden, who has 26%. Warren had 17% support and Pete Buttigieg had 8% support. - Washington Examiner

We will keep this post to the attention span of the DPST types.

Go Bernie -"Communism for all" ( except me and mine, of course)!!!
DPST's see a sure winner in bernie. LOL
HoeHummer's Avatar
Second place? And yous are soiling your bloomers? LOLLING you oebsy!
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 09:50 AM
Thank you for displaying your infantile character, hh(YR)
The funny thing is gonna be when the DNC steals delegates again from Bernie like they did in 2016, and then all the Bernie Bros go and vote for Trump a second time out of spite.
Glock, that would be perfect!
HedonistForever's Avatar
What's side splitting funny is Obama out there telling Democrats they can not nominate Sanders or Warren because they are fucking insane.


Obama Warns Democratic Candidates Not to Go Too Far Left: “Be Rooted in Reality”

Former President Barack Obama has taken pains to avoid commenting on the 2020 Democratic presidential contest, repeatedly saying he will support whoever comes out on top. But he seemed to shift gears a bit Friday night while speaking to a room filled with wealthy donors as he sent an apparent warning to presidential hopefuls to not move too far left. The American voter, as a general rule, isn’t really interested in extremes, the former president warned. “This is still a country that is less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement. They like seeing things improved. But the average American doesn’t think that we have to completely tear down the system and remake it,” Obama said. “And I think it’s important for us not to lose sight of that.”
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup Communism and socialism for all other then the elites living off of us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,