The latest addition to Occupy Wall street... Muslim Extremest... Of course, why not, it's a party of idiots anyway

LovingKayla's Avatar
OK let me say that I'm a hippie. I love hippies and have many for friends. No self respecting hippie would be caught dead in this mess.

For anyone that doesn't know (and there are a bunch more links, I just don't have time to post all of them from every source) CAIR joins OWS.

You guys that support this are siding with muslim extremists. Did you know that? Do you actually believe what you're doing is the right thing knowing that muslim extremest are cheering you on? KNowing you are apart of something the American Communist Jed Brandt started? Really?

I look at my poor hippie brother and sisters and just hang my head in sorrow knowing they are just being used because HEY! It's a party and if it's a party we show up for anything.

And one more by the way.... Occupy arrests top 2400... Tea party arrests... 0. Even if I hadn't already left the left field I would wonder if I was on the right side.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I have no idea whether Kayla unknowingly repeated inaccurate information or is among those on the right who are intentionally misrepresenting facts. I'll assume the former since I have no evidence to the contrary.

While is is true that the U.S. government named the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to a list of 246 organizations that might be supporting Hamas, the group brought suit in Federal Court and cleared it's name. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals stated that CAIR's inclusion in the list was "simply an untested allegation of the Government, made in anticipation of a possible evidentiary dispute that never came to pass."

CAIR contends that it is ". . . America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."

What relationship or sympathy the group (as opposed to some of it's members or it's leadership) has toward Islamic nationalist, radical Islam, etc. is a very complicated matter and varies quite a bit depending on the year in question, the leader in question, any many other complicated and individual factors. However, a blanket condemnation of the organization based on an allegation that has been disproved and thrown out in court is unfair.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
this here hippie supports OWS... guess we're differnet kinds of hippies kayla. i'm the kind of hippie that does not want my country & government to be wholly owned and controlled by a bunch of corporations. that is what the OWS people are protesting. maybe you missed that news seems to have missed that part. at least the OWS movement is mad at the right people, unlike the tea party wankers that don't even even know how the koch brothers are pulling their strings as they rake in millions every year.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

One of the issues of being an extremist, like you are towards the right, that you surround yourself with like minded television and news shows (and people) that support your viewpoint and don't take the time to really listen to the other side.

I don't have a concrete opinion about this whole thing. I do think that it's admirable to see young people giving a shit once again. I don't think that they're getting involved because they wish to party and have fun.

Perhaps that is going on. I've read about romantic and one night stand hookups but I'm guessing that people participating in the tea party have sex, too.

What I'm attempting to share with you my friend, and I've done this in the past, it's alright to believe what you want to believe. We're fortunate to have that choice.

But don't put down others because their personal philosophy doesn't follow your own. I find the whole "occupation" phenomenon to be very interesting and a viable project. Don't think that it will make any difference in the future but again, it is so great to see people caring enough about our society to try to take measures to change what is going on.

And what is going on is a very serious thing. Bravo to these kids who are willing to fight for an ideal that possibly can never be resolved.

Reminds me of that line from "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington": "The only things worth fighting for are the only things that you can never hope to win".

I'm not an old hippie but I used to wish to be one. Nothing wrong with it. In spirit, though, I'm probably pretty damn close. Which is probably why I find these people who are supporting this movement to be worthy of much respect.

With affection,
  • T-Can
  • 10-27-2011, 09:55 AM
I tend to agree with OWS movement, however, I do not see a short-term solution to what they are protesting. In my opinion, they should have started the protests in late 2008/early 2009 during the government bail outs of banks, car manufacturers, etc. but I think many of us were just relieved that W and Republicans were out of office that we turned a blind eye.

This Austin thread has some interesting points:
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 10-27-2011, 10:46 AM
JohnJohn's Avatar
However, a blanket condemnation of the organization based on an allegation that has been disproved and thrown out in court is unfair. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Doesn't surprise me at all, coming from a Glenn Beck groupie. Of course, some of us don't limit ourselves to only trusting an opinion show like Faux Nooze or the already mentioned fascist for our information.

At some point you have to consider turning in your hippie card when you lose touch with reality.
LovingKayla's Avatar
OK I came back to delete this post. I can see where this is going and I'm out. There's absolutely zero point in continuing this here. Peace out.... way out.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Talk about blanket condemnation.... Sheesh !
Like my grand kids arguing in the freaking back yard.
Your news is not the right news. Nuh uh.. Yours is wrong.
Beck groupies are the only ones doing it. George W was the only bad one.
Kayla makes sense in just believe what you want.
Iaintliein's Avatar
It's hard to have sympathy for a bunch of people yelling about what other people "owe" them, while most, I'd bet, have more expensive phones than I do. They bitch about the city not giving them porta-potties and how much we spend on the military, while my son is eating off a piece of cardboard because the supply convoys keep getting blown up on their way to his forward base.

I absolutely feel sorry for anybody who fell for the "education bubble" thinking that simply going to college was going to be a ticket to easy street and worth the debt. But nobody held a gun to their heads to sign for those student loans, or to buy more house than they could afford. They have every right to wring their hands and cry, but not to commit the violence etc., that's been reported.

There are plenty of young people who "give a shit" about more than themselves. They're easy to spot, they wear uniforms just like Kayla did.
There's plenty to protest, as I pointed out in a similar "National Sandbox" thread:

And the fun part is that these things can occasionally take on a party atmosphere.

Sometime back, maybe in the late '90s, I was watching some TV news coverage of one of the G-20 or WTO protests. An on-the-scene reporter put a mike in front of a skinny, fairly scruffy-looking kid about 22. When asked what he was protesting, the kid exhibited a blank look for a few seconds and said something like, "Globalism. Capitalism, man! Rich bankers. Greed!"

Then after the kid looked pensively at the camera for a few seconds while apparently trying to think of more complaints to list, the reporter said, "Looks like a pretty good party might be brewing here. Level with me, now. You're here to meet chicks, right?"

Then the kid broke into a slight smile that said, "Busted!"
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-27-2011, 03:42 PM
OMG I have soo many funny pictures to add to this thread.. *sigh*... I am the one percent that would get banned for trolling.

+1 Iantliein.

*goes back to resisting trolling* <- is a hard job.
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 10-27-2011, 05:02 PM
Attached Images File Type: jpg 99occupyYourMind45.jpg (31.1 KB, 419 views)
TexTushHog's Avatar
OK I came back to delete this post. I can see where this is going and I'm out. There's absolutely zero point in continuing this here. Peace out.... way out. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Don't let the door hit you in the ____ on the way out!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Don't let the door hit you in the ____ on the way out!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
THAT was uncalled for. It's completely natural to have your feelings hurt if people respond to your topic in a less than complimentary fashion. And I replied with some harsh words myself.

But to say that is inexcusable. Show some damn decorum. I expected better from you, honestly.

This topic is a prime example about the implosive tendencies while discussing politics and probably should have been addressed in the national sandbox.
