
Why did our Divider-In-Chief have to pass an executive order for "White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans"? Shouldn't he pass this for ALL students? http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-...nce-african-am

IMO it is BS that he states AA students face more obstacles in obtaining an education. I had this argument with one of my liberal ex-sister-in-laws about 20 years ago. At the time I was living in Jersey and she lived in NYC. She said AA students couldn't get a good education because the schools were in poor shape and didn't create a good environment for learning. She said they were unsafe and blah blah blah. I brought up the FACT that at one time the schools were brand new and over time the STUDENTS and the neighborhood residents vandalized and destroyed the school. So why should everyone have to pay to make the school better when the students and neighborhood residents didn't give a shit about it. Typical of a liberal, all she could do to counter what I said was to spew obscenities and try to change the subject.

And what's this crap about unfairly reprimanding AA students? If they are caught doing something against the rules, they need to face the consequences. But our Divider-In-Chief feels they need special treatment.
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  • Old-T
  • 11-10-2013, 10:36 PM
Obama's comments were dumb.

Yours are at least as dumb.
Typical liberal response. What part of what I stated is not true?
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  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 02:01 PM
Typical liberal response. What part of what I stated is not true? Originally Posted by satexasguy

what part of your comment is relevant to anything other than a whining rightwinger?
what part of your comment is relevant to anything other than a whining rightwinger? Originally Posted by CJ7
Again, what part is not true? NOBama says AA's do not have the proper learning environment and should get special treatment. I brought up the FACT that NEW schools are built and eventually the students and community vandalize them and turn them into what they are. Guess you can't face facts. But like a typical liberal you try to avoid facts and try to steer the conversation into a different area.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 02:27 PM
again, what part is relevant ?

or simply put, who gives a shit other than whining rightwingers ?
Why did our Divider-In-Chief have to pass an executive order for "White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans"? Shouldn't he pass this for ALL students? http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-...nce-african-am

IMO it is BS that he states AA students face more obstacles in obtaining an education. I had this argument with one of my liberal ex-sister-in-laws about 20 years ago. At the time I was living in Jersey and she lived in NYC. She said AA students couldn't get a good education because the schools were in poor shape and didn't create a good environment for learning. She said they were unsafe and blah blah blah. I brought up the FACT that at one time the schools were brand new and over time the STUDENTS and the neighborhood residents vandalized and destroyed the school. So why should everyone have to pay to make the school better when the students and neighborhood residents didn't give a shit about it. Typical of a liberal, all she could do to counter what I said was to spew obscenities and try to change the subject.

And what's this crap about unfairly reprimanding AA students? If they are caught doing something against the rules, they need to face the consequences. But our Divider-In-Chief feels they need special treatment. Originally Posted by satexasguy

Because he is ....simple.
So you fuckers have no problem with our Divider-n-Chief creating an executive order to specifically target and benefit the AA community? Where is the fairness and equality in this? What about Native Americans, Italian-Americans, etc.? This should be left to local governments.

How would you react if Bush had signed an executive order specifically benefiting poor white Americans? Fucking hypocritical racists.
So you fuckers have no problem with our Divider-n-Chief creating an executive order to specifically target and benefit the AA community? Where is the fairness and equality in this? What about Native Americans, Italian-Americans, etc.? This should be left to local governments.

How would you react if Bush had signed an executive order specifically benefiting poor white Americans? Fucking hypocritical racists. Originally Posted by satexasguy
They quit reading the second you called their beloved a name. Calling his highness a name infuriates them to the point they can no longer read, comprehend, or debate. Now watch...
Obiiiootcchhh Sucks and so does Obbiiiottcchcare...It's over, done, and we are fucked.