Anybody could have Hillary's emails but somehow her. Anyone remember this?

Hillary's plebes sent a laptop containing her emails twice to Platte River (her server company) twice. First one was "lost". Because her people couldn't send a backup over the internet. They also lost a USB drive containing her emails.

I've posted several times that Hillary and her people lost 23 iphones, ipads and laptops. Don't know if this figure includes these devices.

And the FBI found that Anthony Weiner had a laptop with a backup of Hillary's emails. This confirms to me that this was a "Wild West"
of carelessly with no audit trail or accountability.

Anyone could have her emails. The Russians didn't have to hack the DNC's servers. Donna Brazile's, John Podesta's and likely the DNC's server probably didn't even follow basic IT possession security. They likely still don't.

A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession,
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
clinton's IT sounds like the keystone ITs.

can't get their shit in gear properly!
clinton's IT sounds like the keystone ITs.

can't get their shit in gear properly! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
its because nothing was important as much as getting as much money as possible without a trail
clinton's IT sounds like the keystone ITs.

can't get their shit in gear properly! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I've known several people who got FIRED, just for losing TWO laptops that were govt property.

THESE crooks lost over 20, and not one got canned?! What a frikken joke.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I've known several people who got FIRED, just for losing TWO laptops that were govt property.

THESE crooks lost over 20, and not one got canned?! What a frikken joke. Originally Posted by garhkal
I think the whole purpose of that keystone IT enterprise is not to leave a paper trail of what they were doing.