How about creating an "ASPD archived review section" for all these aspd reviews that are saturating the independent review forums. Im referring to the Austin Forum.

Great idea! It is such a shame to lose all of those literary masterpieces.
Just kidding, I do think it would be great to have access to at least 90
days or so. Can it be done?
Wildstar's Avatar
How about creating an "ASPD archived review section" for all these aspd reviews that are saturating the independent review forums. Im referring to the Austin Forum.

thanks Originally Posted by peachquiver
I have to agree, but apply it to the Dallas forum as well, it's getting pretty damn annoying!

atxguy2006's Avatar
It's gotten to the point where I won't waste my time with the independent review forum in Austin. I've seen reviews that date back to '07 and '08 or hobbyist posting 3 or 4 reviews on the same provider. Hopefully it will get better soon.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree! I had close to 100 reviews under another handle between 2001 and 2008. Haven't asked for any of them ... and some of them were pretty entertaining, so they say.

I don't have a clue how relevant they'd be any more. Surely the spate of archived reviews are well done, but they get in the way of new reviews of current providers.

What you suggest is a fabulous idea.

That being said, it seems as though the "fresh start" concept of ECCIE maybe ought to be re-examined by ownership. I wouldn't mind free premium membership for past contributions, but I quit contributing 2 years ago. Don't hobby enough now to qualify... at least not like I used to.

How does that figure into the equation?
It will slow down quickly now that aspd is gone.
The only ones left posting them are the folks who saved them on their own comps.
I doubt they will be able to keep posting them much longer.Then we will have the info when it's needed and they won't overshadow the new reviews.