Alex Jones and his supportive friends on the right

eyecu2's Avatar
whether you liked him or hated him, Alex Jones of "info-wars", has had his day in court. But before getting into the landslide ruling that will follow; lets take a moment to acknowledge that the folks on the "right" were the ones who helped Jones get to the level of fame that he did. He is yet ANOTHER alternative facts portrayal format asshole, who thought freedom of speech was actually free, and without consequence. To that, I'll post a few links for you gents here to outline that:

"That the verdict took this long is one thing. That so many figures on the right cozied up to him in the meantime, despite widespread knowledge of these comments, is quite another. And better than most anything, it should serve as a moment of reckoning for the GOP as it increasingly embraces Jones-ian conspiracy theories — or just allows them to metastasize within its base."


"He was on trial to determine how much he should pay for defaming the parents of a first grader killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, after years of falsely claiming that no children died and the families were "crisis actors" in a "giant hoax" designed to take away guns."

Well, it seems that this false conspiracy story will cost Alex and Free Speech systems almost 1 Billion dollars.

Sadly the people who are part of this will never see a dime, as I'm sure clown Jones will file bancruptcy- just as clown Trump has done in the past. The fact that liars get caught and give a lot of BS to make a point, but people pay the price in labor, or in the loss and continued torture of reliving a trajedy.

Alternative facts; Kelly Conway- Trump- Jones- and the GOP.

The team that brought you "fake everything" so they didn't become losers, is now being held accountable- well sort of. Even if it's only in namesake- because a carnival barker and his crew will never be held down or forced to pay-

Conspiracy theories from the right including all the false conclusions and narrative will keep them from justice; Don't forget- it was those people on the right who kept gaslighting the audience and keep shit like " they're coming for your guns" and the rest of the horseshit from info-wars and 4 chan going. One for money- one for messaging, and the result is people like Alex Jones.

justice delayed is justice denied.

And in the mean time - a billion dollar judgement from Alex Jones is worth about as much a roll of toilet paper.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
How much does the FBI owe Trump now that we know the truth about their Russia conspiracy theory? Considering a retard like Jones got hit for millions, it should be at least a couple billion.
HDGristle's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
How much does the FBI owe Trump now that we know the truth about their Russia conspiracy theory? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
What exactly do you think was learned about the conspiracy theory of Trump and Russia?

Mueller found himself a bunch of people that were complicit in trying to hide or conflate their involvement. How many people plead guilty, or were found guilty? Just because Trump had all the Republicans in his pocket during impeachment, and had a lackey like Bill Barr say that he was innocent, doesn't make it so. A non-political person like Mueller, a veteran, and a legal person with integrity, knowing that he could not indict a sitting president based upon current collective assertions, did all but condemn Trump and his actions. That wasn't based on the Steel dossier- but hours and hours of investigation, and interviewing witnesses.

It's funny when I see Fox talking points posted here as being fact, when they aren't. The sum owed to the Citizens of the USA SHOULD be 1 trillion in damages & forced dismantling of the GOP as penalty for being unindicted co-conspirators.
berryberry's Avatar
Alex Jones: $1 billon fine for spouting his crazy opinions

Corrupt Libtard Extremists in the Clinton, Senile Biden and FBI camps coordinating a false Russia hoax to undermine President Trump and cover it up: $0 and a pat on the back from the mainstream media and crazy fucking libtards

Violent Leftist Fascists literally trying to *kill* conservatives in the street: $0

The whole thing is a fucking joke. The disparity is a disgrace to the American Criminal Justice system and why libtards must be destroyed
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What exactly do you think was learned about the conspiracy theory of Trump and Russia? Originally Posted by eyecu2
Are woefully uninformed or just willfully ignorant?

Mueller found himself a bunch of people that were complicit in trying to hide or conflate their involvement. How many people plead guilty, or were found guilty?
Of conspiring with Russia, which is what the “investigation” was supposed to be about? None.
Just because Trump had all the Republicans in his pocket during impeachment, and had a lackey like Bill Barr say that he was innocent, doesn't make it so.
No it doesn’t. A complete lack of anything remotely resembling criminality, even with armies of investigators and lawyers tearing apart every aspect of Trump’s and anyone in his orbit, does.
A non-political person like Mueller, a veteran, and a legal person with integrity, knowing that he could not indict a sitting president based upon current collective assertions, did all but condemn Trump and his actions.
That’s laughable, not that Meuller had the slightest clue what was happening. He doddered through that hearing not having the slightest clue of basic facts. He was and is a joke. Maybe he was different a couple decades ago, but his intellect was about on par with Biden’s, nonexistent.
That wasn't based on the Steel dossier- but hours and hours of investigation, and interviewing witnesses.
LOL! The entire thing was based on it, and it was far longer than hours. They tried for YEARS and came up with bupkis, because there was nothing to come up with other than manufactured, bought and paid for lies. Sorry, but the jig is up and anyone with open eyes knows it.
eyecu2's Avatar

Man, you're what's wrong with democracy.

"Believe me or I want you destroyed!!"

But do you destroy ppl who have Democrat propaganda on their lawns, or are you just a growly old dude who speaks in euphemisms....destroy about meanly or harsh tweets?

For a 1st amendment advocate most often, your language says you have no tolerance for anyone else's opinion or rights to speak.
eyecu2's Avatar

Of conspiring with Russia, which is what the “investigation” was...

complete lack of anything remotely resembling criminality, even with armies of investigators and lawyers tearing apart every aspect of Trump’s and anyone in his orbit, (sic) They tried for YEARS and came up with bupkis, because there was nothing to come up with other than manufactured, bought and paid for lies. Sorry, but the jig is up and anyone with open eyes knows it. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
"Over the course of his nearly two-year-long probe, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes.

Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison."

So, to be clear 34 indictments and 5 people sentenced to prison. Even pardons don't negate the crime. It simply waives the penalty.

Vs 2 Durham charged, 1 plea and one found innocent.

You must be a 24/7 FoxFan. Did they tell you that nothing happened in the investigation??

Wrong bro
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMFAO! He indicted a bunch of Russians he knew damn well would never see the inside of a US courtroom, and others for process crimes, when the entire process as based on proven bullshit, that had nothing to do with election interference.

Sorry man, everyone knows it was a sham.
berryberry's Avatar

Man, you're what's wrong with democracy.

"Believe me or I want you destroyed!!"

But do you destroy ppl who have Democrat propaganda on their lawns, or are you just a growly old dude who speaks in euphemisms....destroy about meanly or harsh tweets?

For a 1st amendment advocate most often, your language says you have no tolerance for anyone else's opinion or rights to speak. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Excuse me for being an American loving patriot. Libtards are destroying America, intentionally. So unless we "destroy" them there will be nothing good left of our country in the next decade.

Libtards have started:

a war on fossil fuels
a war on families
a war on science
a war on free elections
a war on our economic prosperity
a war on our military
a war on our schools

I could go on and on.
berryberry's Avatar
"Over the course of his nearly two-year-long probe, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes.

Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison."

So, to be clear 34 indictments and 5 people sentenced to prison. Even pardons don't negate the crime. It simply waives the penalty.

Vs 2 Durham charged, 1 plea and one found innocent.

You must be a 24/7 FoxFan. Did they tell you that nothing happened in the investigation??

Wrong bro Originally Posted by eyecu2
It was all a sham. One big

rmg_35's Avatar
Excuse me for being an American loving patriot. Libtards are destroying America, intentionally. So unless we "destroy" them there will be nothing good left of our country in the next decade.

Libtards have started:

a war on fossil fuels
a war on families
a war on science
a war on free elections
a war on our economic prosperity
a war on our military
a war on our schools

I could go on and on. Originally Posted by berryberry
Alex Jones got exactly what he deserved. The first amendment did give you the right to slander and harm others with your words. That's way the assholes at faux and the pieces of shit mike Lindell are getting sued for defamation by Dominion for their completely false bullshit about election fraud.

It's not liberals that are destroying this country, it's the so-called "tRumptarded patriots" and the reptard party that are.

They cry about fossil fuels and rebel against clean energy innovations.

They have hateful homopobic, misogynistic, and racist reteric around anything they feel is different from their lilly-whitevworld. They want to control women and decide what a family should look like.

They consist science and scientific facts on climate change and in covid protections.

They don't want free and fair elections like we had in 2020. They want to stop people from voting by restrictions on mail-in ballots and voter id laws. They support asshole tRump's big lie that the election was stolen.

They falsely think that the reptard party is going to support economic prosperity when in reality, they give hugh tax cuts to the rich. They are trying to gut it completely do away with social security and Medicare. They are only for the super rich and well screw you out of every penny they can while lying to you in the process.

They want to wreck the public school system to privatize schools so public funds can be used for for-profit schools. They don't give a shit about children's education. They want their buddies to profit off of education, ban books, and use schools for their propaganda speaking piece.

They pray on the worst in people, the mindless, and the wannabes through their fake-ass radical right-wing news sources. They try to make fools think they are "patriots" who follow and believe their bullshit.

It's truly amazing and disgusting that so many right-wing news outlets are defending that fucking piece of shit Alex Jones and brainwashing that idiots that listen to them.
berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald - I just need to remind you again:

Right before the 2020 election, most of the US corporate media spread an absolute lie: that the Hunter laptop was "Russian disinformation."

Everyone knows it's a lie. Not one of them has apologized or retracted
eyecu2's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald - I just need to remind you again:

Right before the 2020 election- the Hunter laptop was "Russian disinformation."

Everyone knows it's a lie. Not one of them has apologized or retracted Originally Posted by berryberry

What forensic proof and acknowledgement of the laptop being real & unaltered to be found reputable and true?

Was it the dude from Jersey IT store who shuttled it to turd shiller Gulliani, or Gulliani's sworn affidavit of chain of custody?

Did the geek squad at best buy look it over, or did the forensic dept of the FBI or CIA find and post some information that corroborates that this laptop is legit?

Just wondering what it is that we're supposed to be believing since it came from Miranda and the rest of the folks on the right wing, GOP TV networks.

Sorry if I'm skeptical but the alternative facts crew on Fox and friends, makes me question your validity.
berryberry's Avatar

Sorry if I'm skeptical but the alternative facts crew on Fox and friends, makes me question your validity. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Do you even know who Glenn Greenwald is?

Apparently not

He is an award winning VERY LIBERAL journalist, author and lawyer who has focused on national security issues

The fact that you are still claiming Hunter's laptop is not real is utterly pathetic. That is only the realm of shills for the libtards - is that what you are?