OnlyFans Providers

What is up with all these "providers" trying to collect deposits and/or fees via OnlyFans, CashApp or a number of other electronic methods?!?

Seems like nothing but a scam or a way for LE to entrap a hobbiest.
I believe 99.9% of all deposits are a scam.

While I do know a few select legitimate providers that accept payment through other means (PayPal, Cashapp) and will usually give a discount if you pay a deposit - I believe that any provider that REQUIRES a deposit is a scam.

I know there will be a few hobbyists and providers that will say "They've done it and it's legit". I still think the majority of deposit requests are a scam.

There is just no way to verify that services will be given once the money is deposited. It's too easy to go dark and never communicate again. Even for a 20 dollar deposit. You do that five or six times, you just made 100 bucks doing absolutely nothing.

Participants in our hobby are going to be extremely reluctant to pursue anything if the provider takes the deposit and blocks you. There are plenty of providers that don't require a deposit. I skip the ones that do. Never give a deposit.
winn dixie's Avatar
First rule of mongering-

Never pre-pay!

No matter what excuses they present. Remember these providers are good at separating men from their money! Its what they do.
I would be interested to hear from any one who has fallen for the scam or even better... Someone who actually managed to meet one of these gals
EOD's Avatar
  • EOD
  • 07-11-2021, 09:36 AM
I have fallen for the Pre pay once. Just once. I knew it was a risk going in.
Prepay is complete and utter nonsense. Subscribing to a personal site to set up dates, a close second.
If your money leaves your hands, per se, and you have never seen, or met the provider?
99.9% chance you just became a charity.