Same Johns and same providers always

It is odd that in the KC forum it has become so polluted that the same ol Johns and the same ol providers are always the ones posting and commenting. It is like they have run everyone away with their negative interaction and their negative comments.

Say hi and they attack, say someone looks nice and they attack. If you have a bad time with a provider just forbid you write about it and give a no because the attack is sure to come. Voice your opinion and they attack. it is like they have so much negativity in their lives and it just spews forth when they get online.

Sad thing is I think the ones that attack everyone kind of get a perverse pleasure out of doing it. It is like they site behind the anonymity screen and have a celebration because they were able to anonymously attack someone. I know of only one gentleman who was willing to stand up and come from behind the wall. I think when you are willing to do that then you get respect. Many of you hide because you know you could never speak to someone in real life they way you do in this forum and that is sad that you are so brave when you are hidden and sheltered.

Stop being keyboard gangsters.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Nailed it. I'm jacking off right now while I'm typing this to say you're a dumb ass.
zeejoe's Avatar
Oh man! Did someone attack you again??! I can't imagine why. Same ole john...
I don't regularly participate in the foolishness, but the one thing I'm certain of is...Gemma has a nice booty. Come on people, lighten up.
  • Roboz
  • 03-09-2015, 03:49 PM
Amen to the booty!!!
bp6570's Avatar
Didn't he just get reinstated this weekend and hes banned again???
so long Jayhawker......hope you stay banned for life!!!!!
Heywood's Avatar
Good riddance. Place should be noticably cooler now with all that hot air gone.