oh there needs to be a lawsuit on this one


that guy SHOULD sue the police chief directly.. not the city..citing poor driving skills.. it is never the fault of the "city issued vehicle" it is the driver and he is a highly trained police officer, skilled in the art of high speed pursuit, and vehicular handling.

You watch.. the pedestrian will get a ticket for "jaywalking" which I think is a 10-20 dollar fine and this will be his fault.

and if the chief was "turning left from Clay onto Travis" Clay is Eastbound only so how does one sitting on the left side of a Jeep which is closest to his turn direction, not see people?

I would be suing him for sure for negligence
loveitdou's Avatar
I am appalled at the number of red light runners I see every time I am out, I guess nobody gives a s**t. Today while going through 3 intersections I saw 5 people run the light.
4karlos's Avatar
Everytime I see the cops working the ticket book is for speed infractions. Red lights, stop signs, unfit cars(broken windshield, broken lights etc), dangerously stowed items on pickups flying all over the place...almost never get pulled over.