Interesting News From Colorado

A man has been charged after he called 911 to report that a prostitute had stolen his wallet after their encounter.

The 'unhappy customer,' who had not been named, was charged with soliciting a prostitute after he reported the incident on Wednesday evening.

He picked up the prostitute on East 4th Street, in Pueblo, Colorado, a report by Pueblo Police Department stated.

The man is claimed to have made the call to law enforcement after the pair had 'concluded their business' only to be upset a second time when he was told he had committed a crime.

Police said: 'It’s a hard lesson, but you don’t get a free pass because you become the victim of an offense while you’re committing an offense!'

The misdemeanor is punishable by up to six months in jail in the state of Colorado.

I was surprised when I read this article. I was told by several people that you should always report a theft or assault because the authorities will focus on the bigger crime and ignore the smaller crime. I guess that's not always the case.
What's also interesting (and disappointing) is how hateful & nasty some civilian women can be towards sex workers and the men who visit these sex workers.

For example, in the same article above, one woman reacts to this news by writing 'He most likely got more than a ticket!!! He better make an appointment with the Clinic fast!!!'

Another woman writes 'Hopefully a lesson learned. Sins will always find their way out.'

SMH. Who told them to be the moral police of the world? Such ignorant backwards attitudes towards sex.
greenraven's Avatar
Only carry what you plan too lose. Only bet what your willing too lose
Will the police charge a lady with prostitution if she report that she was raped by the client?
Will the police charge a lady with prostitution if she report that she was raped by the client? Originally Posted by london2012
I would really hope not but just to be the on the safe side, stay away from Pueblo Colorado.

I'm hoping that police in other parts of the USA are more sensible.
CG2014's Avatar
Ever watch COPS?

I seen a couple of episodes where some morons call the Police because they were shorted or ripped off when they bought drugs from a street dealer or at a crack house.

In one episode the idiot showed the cops:

look, I paid $20 and this crack (in his hand) is not $20 worth of crack.

I want you cops to go there and arrest them for robbing me.

Instead he gets arrested for possession.

There was also another episode where a resident of the neighborhood calls the cops and show them some drugs he had.

He told the cops he purchased the drugs from a house up the street that is a crack house.

He and other residents had been complaining to the police about the drug activities and constant high traffic

that's been going on at that house day and night and nothing has been done about it.

Now here's evidence that is a crack house, go raid it.

Of course the police arrests him instead, for possession.
greenraven's Avatar
You could always lie on the reason why you were there ex. A drug dealer robbed you but you can say that he was a stranger. Or you get tricked while out tricking you can say you meet her on a dating app and she scammed you