Holy shiznit what is happening

austin88998833's Avatar
What is happening at the Hampton inn in Maumelle? About 6-7 cop cars with lights at least one fire truck and a fire rescue vehicle. That’s usually a sleepy hotel. Too quiet and too close to home for me.
What is happening at the Hampton inn in Maumelle? About 6-7 cop cars with lights at least one fire truck and a fire rescue vehicle. That’s usually a sleepy hotel. Too quiet and too close to home for me. Originally Posted by austin88998833
It wasn't me
Vannah's Avatar
Interesting. Hopefully there isn't anything too nefarious going on, but my curiosity is piqued.

It's a shame I'm not close by or I would grab some frozen yogurt, a pair of binoculars and go check it out.
coolview's Avatar
My SO and I moved out of Maumelle about 8 months ago. Lived there for about 4 years and was seeing it going down hill. Traffic, crime and way to many people who shouldn't be working with the public!! We lived in a nice neighborhood on the MCC but was see writting on the walls all around us.
  • MrGiz
  • 05-30-2021, 02:07 AM
Such a shame!*