lunch time

so pretty much i get in the mood sometimes for some fun and really have a lunch break to do it usually 30 min to an hour and so i came to the conclusion spas are probably going to be my best bet. distance is a factor and time of setting up (usually takes several hours), texting a provider and getting a time set that works for us both. so im looking at spas now i found one really close to work i can get to in mins and still get back to work Natural Spa ive seen some reviews and ive seen up and downs on it but really only see one girls name Toy.... is she the only worker there?
decided to go in and the lady that greeted me at the door looked like my grandmother (im part asian) and i pretty much turned around because ... nah, was that the lady who would "service me" or would it have been someone else?
That, my friend, was the Mamasan.....she takes your massage fee and escorts you to the room. Her role ends once she closes the door behind you. You missed out on a good time.
lol ive never been to one thanks lol
shyguy80's Avatar
There’s a new lady there, Lisa and she’s actually pretty good looking