What are we looking for on ECCIE?

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 05-10-2009, 09:45 PM
So ----- where is ECCIE going, how is it going to get there, and what are we going to do to help it?

Seriously ----- Most of the providers here are also on the "sister" site. Most of the hobbyiest here are on the "sister" site. And a hell of a lot of the posts that are posted on the "sister" site are posted here by using the copy/paste feature.

So what's the use? Other than this site is missing a lot of the drama kings/queens, it's almost a mirror. I really like this site specifically for those who are missing.

Should we be doing something different here? Or is everyone happy to look at the same thing twice.

BTW, ladies --- give this a thought ---- If you are posting the same ad here as you are posting on the "sister" site, then why don't you at least post it on a different date. That way you would get twice the exposure. Post on "sister" on Monday and we all see it. Post here on Friday and I am reminded just before the weekend. You basically have two ads a week. Just my thought!

Are you happy to just see the same stuff twice? What's your suggestion?
For myself, I will call this home for a spell. 'Specially seeing as how I just got banned from ASPD for the third friggin time.

As long as ECCIE only emulates ASPD in form and style, it will not last. It must be different... and better. The pleasant tone of the community is a start. But more must be done. After all, everyone is always feeling real congenial at the beginning of a new forum.

First, ECCIE needs to make sure the structure and policies are in place to prevent the problems that plague ASPD from occurring here. I have strong negative opinions about ASPD and its leadership based upon my personal experience and those related by others. My perception may not be accurate. But those that lead ECCIE need to be mindful of some of the serious problems that exist at ASPD and proactively address them with planning before they become a problem here.

Second, ECCIE must provide value-added features not easily imitated by other boards. This is difficult. But if achieved, it would ensure longevity. Just an idea -- I am not sure Gina (or ECCIE owners for that matter) would want to integrate both sites, but that would be a significant competitive advantage to both. ECCIE has no screening and P411 has a lame forum. Both would be better off.

Third, ECCIE must assert some ownership of content. Costco used to offer bags of ice at their DFW stores. Just as with other vendors, they have just one rule -- sell to whoever you want, just do not charge a competitor less than you charge Costco. One day the freezers of bagged ice were gone. Turns out the vendor accidentally sent an invoice to Costco that was meant for Sam's Club. It was for less. ECCIE must reward loyalty in some manner.

These are just some off the cuff thoughts. Hope they are helpful.
T.O.B.'s Avatar
What a GREAT thread! This is very true what you have said. We are up for any ideals you might have. Our goal with Eccie is to keep a drama free board thats allows everyone a fresh start. We are working hard with our programmer to make this board different. (it does take time.) In just a short time we have more members than some of the other boards. For now we are just trying to give people a safe alternative place when the other boards are down. Any ideals on how to make Eccie better is welcomed.

Kelly TNT's Avatar
I agree with you. I personally have not posted anything from here on the other board. I have seen one or two of my COED topics posted there by someone else...a day or two after mine. But, hey...it's fine.
Ads..I have been posting on different days. (Yes, it's more exposure)

Things are coming along..

I think that it's just going to take a little time and More involvement.

We can make this site GREAT.


~Kelly TNT
T.O.B.'s Avatar
FatManHobbyist, we were posting at the same time. You posted more and beat me. LOL!
Really what you said, I really liked! Any feed back we can get is very much appreciated.
I need to start a thread asking "What time does everyone go to bed?" LOL Seems like we have a bunch of night owls.
T.O.B.'s Avatar
And, Hello Ms. Kelly!
Your right Kelly things are coming along! We have a GREAT staff and with more involvement and ideals from our loyal members we are going to rise above the rest!
T.O.B.'s Avatar
I can assure you it is way past my bed time! LOL!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-11-2009, 06:02 AM
I need to start a thread asking "What time does everyone go to bed?" LOL Seems like we have a bunch of night owls. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist

damn kelly do you ever sleep girl...........and yes we do need to figure out how to get this board moving, but i do believe it will just take some time....
and with ideals from everyone else it could truly grow into the right direction...i do like the NO DRAMA here.............it maybe alittle slower
but i love the people on here.................its hard not to have the same
post on both boards because most of our members are registered on both
boards...........just keep the ideals coming.................
SASpurfan's Avatar
Posting here in support of ECCIE and to be under Fawn (yes, I know that is an old, corny joke, but Fawn said I was an old, corny guy the last time we talked.)

LatexLover's Avatar
I was wondering why there is no alternative lifestyle forum on this board. Some of us do have a small Fetish streak in us but there is no appropriate place for a provider or hobbyist to post on this subject. I wonder if that was intentioned by the owner or if it was just an oversight. I know that it would mirror the other board that much more but historically, giving your customer what they want and appealing to as many demographics as possible will boost your business.

Look at two very successful business models, McDonalds and Burger King. Similar Menu but Different Flavor. This board and her sister are, IMO, like the two burger giants. McD relies primarily on a strong brand image and world wide presence to market itself. BK for years was content being number two but at some point streched out globally. Perhaps ECCIE could take a lesson from BK and market more heavily in the forum areas where very little posting is going on. One way to do that might be a PM campaign on the other board. Nasty to use their own resource against them (evil laugh)! I am sure that alot of you MODS are members there as well and have a huge number of contacts.

This board is friendly, easier to use, and has a much better format and visual appeal than the other. Keep up the posting and remember, If you build it they will come. Just my $.02
TBONE's Avatar
  • 05-11-2009, 09:25 AM
I need to start a thread asking "What time does everyone go to bed?" LOL Seems like we have a bunch of night owls. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
Bedtime for me 8pm sharp!

Some great points made here.As we continue to grow and improve our site I think that most will be pleased at what they see happening here.And we are always open to constructive criticism and suggestions.

Personally I think the direction ECCIE goes is primarily up to its members..their contributions and involvement.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I have always been more of a night owl myself. Fawn, I wake up about 4 hours after you. If I had to be up as early as you do...I'd probably be asleep by 7pm.

This place will make it with the love and support from it's members.

We each can make it better by contributing a little bit of our selves anytime we can. Show some Good Lovin for the board and try posting something if you haven't already! We're listening!!!

~Kelly TNT
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
ASPD reminds me of high school...the cheerleaders and the football players had their cliques and if you didn't fit in you always felt like you were being left out of something, or treated unfairly.

On ASPD the mods have their faves, both providers and hobbyists, and everyone else has to walk on egg shells for fear of upsetting anyone in the inner circle.

How do I know all this? Wouldn't you like to know!!!...Hint: read FMH's post above...LOL

Long live ECCIE but I am very concerned about the lack of activity...a couple of really nice ladies I have reviewed have reported almost no new business off my reviews, and that's not a good thing...kind of makes me wonder if it's all worth it...

The upside is I've met a few really nice guys and am hitting an UTR girl this weekend that there's no way I would ever get in to see without that contact...

Also I got to meet KellyTNT and that was a super added benefit of being here...thank you sweetie!!!
Becky and TBone:
What is your vision for ECCIE?