Was on facebook seen a post where a mom asked her son if he wanted a birthday party wich his birthday is march 9th, he said no use Haveing a party cause everyone at school picks on me and I don't have any friends. Hes gonna be 11 on the 9th.colin suffers from Asperger's syndrome . His mom decided to create a surprise page for him on facebook (happy birthday colin).Its kinda sad to hear of a child that thinks like this. I was thinking Maybe we all could give him some positive thoughts and happy birthday wishes already gotten almost 2000 likes let's get him to 100 k pass on to friends
Originally Posted by dmaxskin
I heard about that. They said he has to eat lunch in the office because he is bullied so bad. I heard it on Alice 107 this morning. I cant stand to hear stuff like that. I think there is an address to send him cards also.