Is Jenna Legend….Legend?

Has anyone met or anything to say about Jenna Legend? Seems like a staple to Omaha, but can’t find any reviews. Thanks!
I would be interested about her too
She does look good if anyone finds info or happens to see her please report back tia
Doesnt she do doubles with another known one that does doubles lexi layne? If that is case pretty safe bet she is real.
Jasemine does doubles with Lexi as Lexi advertises it on STG. Not sure if Jenna does. No posts about it. Jasemine has enough encounters and she posts.
Been a couple years since I’ve seen her, but I saw her a couple times. She is real and was a lot of fun. She was doing doubles with the preggo gal out of Lincoln for a while last year. Not sure if that’s still a thing.
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I no longer do doubles with Jenna. I am always happy to see Lexi and she knows it ;p

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