N Korea - what would you do ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Many world leaders say North Korea cannot have nuclear weapons.

But what are they going to do ? Are they going to invade the country ?
Bomb the heck out of it ? Cease trade entirely, and hope they don't continue ?

If a country wants nuclear weapons, they will try and build them. That means
the only real solution is - invade. And that is not going to happen.

The world leaders will continue to talk - but they have no solution.
The U.S. is messing with their software. Hence the launch failures. Easy to take out their nukes militarily. The problem is Seoul is in their crosshairs already. There is simply no good solution. You can't bomb a granite mountain (where their artillery sits), not even with the MOAB. I would look for a Khaddafi-type solution and 1-on-1 negotiations that would allow the North to save face, so they can spin it as a win. Who cares if we have to eat some crow? All Kim Jon Un wants is a little "respek." Well that's my take at least. I'm sure some would disagree.
Assassination by the Chinese
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Assassination by the Chinese Originally Posted by worldbfree
Ding! Winner winner possum dinner.
O'Mike's Avatar
Pressure the Chinese. They like North Korea exactly as it is, a buffer between them and the South Koreans.

We may give in on the man-made military bases in the South China Sea if they instigate a regime change.

I think we should involve our military to stop any transfer of nuclear weapons to Iran, stop an attack on the south or any credible threat against Japan or the US.

We also must maintain an ability to shoot down any long range missile or rocket destined for earth orbit from them. A single nuclear detonation above the US could wreck our society with the EMP.

Assassination by the Chinese Originally Posted by worldbfree
Just tell the Chinese all of North Korea is theirs
Just tell the Chinese all of North Korea is theirs Originally Posted by instfixer
....and they are delicious.
Caligula1's Avatar
Unconditional dismantling of all the nuclear weapons facility, destruction of the warheads, destruction of all the ballistic missiles under UN supervision and 5 member of the security council as independent observers. After the process is followed for two years start lifting sanctions in a phased manner over 5 years...

Permanent presence of UN advisors and observers in the country...As monitors....

No mercy no compromise.....
VitaMan's Avatar
You give the strategy.......you don't give the tactics
he suggesting heavy commercial sanctions from china will make them crack
Caligula1's Avatar
Tactics confidential...the fire power in that region is enormous that's all you need to know besides possible electrical interference lol.... Good night pal....
VitaMan's Avatar
It's okay. You don't give an answer because.......there is no answer for this.

Similar to the Star Fleet academy simulation, who the only one to ever come close to solving it was a student named James T. Kirk
oilfieldscum's Avatar
azteclust's Avatar
US should just invade North Korea and end the Kim regime. The punk is making too many threats against USA just to show his brainwashed people he has balls. Screw China they either help US or not, they gonna get involved on our side if they want our money. South Korea will be bombarded during the war but in the end it will reunify whole Korea.
China is the key....

But to be honest with you, are people really that worried with their junk-ass rocketry program? Having nukes is one thing, but having the capability to deploy them is another. They literally have 12 to 15 different Rockets none of which as far as I know have made it past 350 nautical miles. You're telling me that we can't defend against that?

Because North Korea is such a reclusive nation we have so much spy satellite imagery of all of the landscape, are you telling me that we don't have the capability of taking out all of their silos and/or infrastructure? None of their "mobile" pieces are worth a shit either.

By the way.. did you guys see their little propaganda video??? LOL