another John Travolta movie bomb

VitaMan's Avatar
The Fanatic barely made $ 60 on some of the theaters it was showing during opening weekend. He has had 4 bombs in a row, nothing good since 2007. But Hollywood can still round up naive investors, pay him several million, and keep on going.

He has so much money he can afford to fly his own Boeing 737 around the country, land at an airport to get his favorite donuts, and take off soon after.
Why would you care how much money he has ?
VitaMan's Avatar
Why ask why ?
Because it seems it's so important to you. If it wasn't.....then why did you post This?
VitaMan's Avatar
Read it again. There is nothing there to indicate I care how much money John Travolta has. And if I did care, there would be no need to explain why.
You are one weird dude.
Have at it.....
Russ38's Avatar
Like I mentioned earlier.....

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 09-02-2019, 01:35 PM
John is dripping with gayness.
Russ38's Avatar
I thinck it’s part of the Scientology indoctrination.....
VitaMan's Avatar
Actually the main point of this thread is that John Travolta cannot draw an audience anymore - but Hollywood still keeps trying with him and throwing money away.
And I am sure everyone here cares about that. Good job
VitaMan's Avatar
Your posts are so odd. You are the only one who posts on dozens of threads that supposedly no one is supposed to care about.
I'm confused vm

Are you talking about threads like these or what......
how do they get cars off the car transporters?
March madness
do Indians use money?
or....why God doesn't visit us?

I try very hard to keep up with your threads. They are very important. Some of your threads never receive any comments and I sometimes feel bad about that.

Keep up the good work
VitaMan's Avatar
You certainly put in a lot of effort following other members.....a natural born follower.
We are all proud of you.
Not much thought really. Just a simple memory
Had I given it much thought...I could have listed more.
This is just one more of your great threads. Good job.

I can't follow you. Circles make me dizzy