What should I do if clients don't write a review as promised?

It seems as if promising to write a review and never actually following through is becoming a trend with some guys! It's ridiculous!

I know I shouldn't do it, but I give a lot of guys who have already posted reviews and who seem legit the benefit of the doubt...

A recent appointment I had went REALLY well.. I certainly went the extra mile to make sure the gentlemen was comfortable and taken care of, as I always do. We had been e-mailing and texting back and forth for a few weeks, and we finally set it up to meet for the first time this past weekend.

I agreed to give him the write-a-review discount, plus an additional discount for the holidays, and he even offered to write the review THAT NIGHT instead of in a few days like I first suggested.

Since that night on Friday, I sent him a pm but received no reply.

I don't rush guys when it comes to writing a review, but I do request that it is posted no later than 1 or 2 weeks from the appointment date (especially if I give the discount ahead of time!)

The same thing happened with several other clients....

I just don't get why some guys beat around the bush and lie..

If someone doesn't want to write a review, and doesn't even plan on it, THEN DON'T WASTE MY TIME AND SAY YOU WILL!

There will be NO hard feelings, as long as you're upfront and honest about what you really want..

If some of you HAVE written reviews but barely do so anymore, please don't tell me you'd love to.. If you just want to have fun and then go back to your life and PM me every now and then, great! I'm fine with that. JUST BE HONEST!

I can already picture some of the replies I may get:

"Never give a discount ahead of time if the review isn't posted yet"

"Maybe he didn't enjoy himself"
"He has a life, too, you know.. Just be patient"

From now on I don't think I will be giving the write-a-review special BEFORE the appointment or before it is actually written. I'm seeing now that too many guys take advantage of that! I know it makes it a little harder for the good guys who always post reviews on time and stick to their word, but it's something I have to do.

My client had a WONDERFUL time, and NOTHING indicated that he didn't. He stayed WELL over the scheduled time, but since I really enjoyed myself with him, I let him stay for a while longer to chat and cuddle.

I understand guys have stuff going on besides ECCIE, but if you give a lady your word, you should really stick to it! If something comes up, hey, that's life, and I would TOTALLY understand. But for a guy to text me for weeks, finally set it up, do the appointment, and then not follow through on the review is insulting and disappointing..

Please, I really don't need any negative or rude feedback... I would appreciate everyone's thoughts and maybe some of the providers can share what they have done/will do in this situation.

Thanks for reading and feel free to respond!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Seems simple to me. Either don't give a promise-to-write-a-review discount or do give one and accept the fact that not everyone will follow through and write one. I suppose you could name the guy or refuse to do a session in the future with him at your regular rate, but I don't see how either of those do you any good.
  • hd
  • 12-12-2011, 01:42 PM
I think it's just the guy, like many people say 'yea, I'll do one for you' and you never see it. Me, when I say I will, it gets done the next morning.

With my P411 OK's, I've been fortunate that the ladies I see have been very quick with their OK's.

IMO, I don't think you need to offer discounts for a review unless you're just starting in the bizz. You can certainly offer specials say for the holidays, but discounts for reviews will draw out the guys looking for a cheap screw,

just my 0.02
I think it's just the guy, like many people say 'yea, I'll do one for you' and you never see it. Me, when I say I will, it gets done the next morning.

With my P411 OK's, I've been fortunate that the ladies I see have been very quick with their OK's.

IMO, I don't think you need to offer discounts for a review unless you're just starting in the bizz. You can certainly offer specials say for the holidays, but discounts for reviews will draw out the guys looking for a cheap screw,

just my 0.02 Originally Posted by hd

I think it's probably the guy too.... I'm glad to hear that you're one of the good guys who always follow through after a lady has done her part

I'm offering more specials lately since it's the holiday season, and I'm leaving town for about 2 weeks on Saturday... and sometimes even though the discount isn't that much (some of my specials are only $20 off, like the write-a-review, and early bird/night owl discount) I think it draws in more business, usually much more good than bad. I'm not a newbie provider and I actually think my marketing skills are better than most, but like I said in my original post.. Giving discounts ahead of time has got to stop because some guys just really don't appreciate it. I can usually weed out the cheap skates and as soon I come across a haggler in my inbox, I tell him he should look else where if he wants that cheap of a bargain.
There is nothing wrong with offering a review special. Instead of offering a discount up front, you should offer a discount on their return visit, after the review is posted. You can keep doing it this way, but you will also be disappointed a lot.

Discount the repeat visit. It will save you this kind of aggravation.
There is nothing wrong with offering a review special. Instead of offering a discount up front, you should offer a discount on their return visit, after the review is posted. You can keep doing it this way, but you will also be disappointed a lot.

Discount the repeat visit. It will save you this kind of aggravation. Originally Posted by Dannie

I've done this plenty of times, but like I said, I've really given a lot of guys the benefit of the doubt when it comes to promising to write a review. I'm going to start just giving the discount in the session FOLLOWING the review.....
Thanks for the feedback!
  • hd
  • 12-12-2011, 02:00 PM
You have quite a few good reviews just in the past month or two, I don't think you need to make a review discount offer? It even seems you have more than most have in the same time period.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Did they promise to write it on this board? Maybe they posted it on another board?

yes reviews help a provider's business quite a bit and can be considered something of value but don't forget that a guy can post a review several weeks after the session (I think the maximum time between session and review that can earn PA credit is 30 days).

A gentle nudge maybe 2 weeks after the session, via whatever method he used for screening, might be all some guys need to go write the review. I know I get busy and sometimes forget and Do need to get off my butt and write one now and then.
While I may promise to write a review (and if I promise, I will.) I never give a hard timeframe to finish a review. Life sometimes gets in the way of my best intentions.

That said, Sweets, you have a lot of excellent reviews, so I am not sure you need to be giving much of a review discount.
Him tellling you that is a horrible trick to play.............f him!!!!!!!!
You have 59 reviews since 5/10/11.....IMHO, that's too many to be worried about giving a review discount. Treating the returning client/regular to a discount may be of more benefit to you in the long run. However, I wouldn't hesitate to send the mentioned slacker a friendly reminder PM/Email. Some guys that have been around for a significant period of time, seem to just be "burned out" doing reviews.....yet, some seem to enjoy doing them. Not all reviews are created equal either in this world. Getting a review from a well respected guy, can do much more for your business than 5 from less known guys.
Jasser's Avatar
I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm always anxious to write my reviews. It takes what, about 10 minutes maybe? It's just laziness.
  • hd
  • 12-12-2011, 03:06 PM
Was just thinking that I would hate to accept a review discount not knowing for sure if it would be pos. or neg. Though I've only given one neg. on the eccie forum. Don't believe I ever gave one on a previous board.

Reading some of Sweets reviews, I don't think she has a problem worrying about having enough, let alone any negatives.

Like Jasser says, doesn't take long and besides, I'm cheap, so I'll do reviews to keep my PA instead of buying time. I'd rather spend it on poon for me than spend it on reading about other guys getting poon!
F o r t h o s e o f u s t h a t t y p e r e a l s l o w , a r e v i e w c a n t a k e a s l o n g a s a n h o u r t o w r i t e.

And Logan's reviews got to take hours to create on some other software before he transfers them to here.

And I learned two things when I typed that smartass line at the top.

1. Girls that post those ads with all that crap in it have way too much time on their hands.

2. The ECCIE editor actually deletes or compresses all of the extra spaces I put between the words. I tried to do 1 space between letters, 3 spaces between words. Looks like it compressed the multiple spaces down to one space.
yeah, i wouldn't offer a deal..you'll get taken advantage of.

although something should be done.

like with me - I've updated my rate over a week ago. People that are booking with me SINCE my rate change are paying the rates on my OLD ASS reviews.

I haven't been reviewed since September. Granted, they should know better and check or go over the rate before we got in our cars to drive there.

In my own situation - I should probably see about getting someone who will write a review and maybe offer them a longer session - but not offer any kind of "discount". You're still going to be getting your basic rate...but extending your time by say 20 minutes may be enough motivation to get a client to spend the same amount of time to put some thought into how his session went with you.