AMP guys are the worst in the hobby


(1) the creation of mikemendez, the ultimate loser AMP troll. Only a spa hobby environment, internet and outside, could create such an an egomaniac douchebag like this MM character who likes to feed off of the attention that he gets from desperate spa clients who are too dumb to figure it all out on their own. This piece of shit is not only the worst fuckery out there but will bring police or threatens to bring police into the hobby if he gets mad enough. Anyone knows that anyone who brings cops into the hobby are the worst of the worst. It's the golden rule that friends and even foes of the hobby should never ever work with the police or try to use the police to leverage himself against anyone or anything. The police are your enemies for life!! This MM fucker is total scum and very dangerous.

(2) spa guys are generally broke. They can't afford to see better class of women and don't want to ever go above and beyond their 160 a half hour budget. Many of them are immigrants, minorities, and old white men who have fixed incomes. You never see expensive cars, but older model vehicles and inexpensive trucks, parked next to spas for a reason. These guys can't afford real luxury or high price pleasures. Most of them are blue collar types with low or moderate level paying jobs and some are old ass retirees who are living on borrowed time.

(3) spa guys like to get drunk and do drugs. Girls complain that guys show up in the middle of the night drunk or stoned out of their minds and wanting to fuck. Hispanic customers show up high from doing all the coke that they can. Most can't perform that well and cause problems for the ladies in the end. They get easily rolled or ripped off if they aren't too careful with their habits.

(4) spa guys are blind or think every Asian woman is 20 something. Many of their reports are inaccurate. It's obvious that the girls aren't young but for some reason these spa guys have this running fantasy that perhaps that they have struck gold and is about to get fucked by a hot young thing. It never happens. They are probably on something or are just plain stupid.

(5) spa guys lie about anything to get attention. See any BBFS encounters written by sporadically active Eccie account holders. Girls can't complain so these spa guys can get away with it unlike the guys who see independents who make damn sure that their reviews are fairly accurate and fair.

(6) spa guys are dumb as hell. Many ask the same questions over and over even after someone has already provided all the information beforehand. They also like to talk about people and events in the hobby past even though they don't matter anymore in the current hobby environment. Can't you move on assholes? See M & M.

(7) spa guys try to bareback spa girls. I guess not receiving bbbjs are annoying to them. Why not just spend more on an independent that does offer bbbjs? See Jackpuck (dumb Houston white man), ThoreXile (arrogant Asian man living out in the boondocks), and Chung Tran (probably Asian asshole but possibly could be old white man since he is in the Dallas area) who have bragged about barebacking spa girls. Most likely they all carry diseases or got diseases from their encounters. Never mind, they probably are complete liars and douchebags.

(8) spa guys carry disease and spread them to spas. Many spas have dirty interiors that have staph bacteria and std-laced stains on the floors and tables. They never clean these places. See Pink Spa on Richmond and the telephone road k-bars. You can smell the disease as you drive by their places. See MiMI from Chinatown who doesn't change the bed sheets or the towel on the table. But they keep showing up to her place and risking it for a lousy bbbj. These spa guys don't show up clean or showered and haven't wiped their asses. Many show up dressed in sloppy in soiled stinky clothes and wearing sandals. Others smell like geriatric meds and bad truck tacos.

(9) Asian prostitutes go bare with anyone for the right money especially the Vietnamese whose culture is generally anti-condoms or pro going natural. They have a lot of diseases. Asian American or even "Americanized" Asian women have higher rates of STDs than white women who everyone knows can be very slutty if not the ultimate nympho. Oh how things have changed. Independent women know that and so they refuse seeing spa guys for that reason besides the fact that they don't have references. Indies refuse to see Asian men because many of these men see these diseased Asian women. Many spa women are old and they usually never get checked out medically. See K-Bars on Telephone Road. Some have a lot of diseases. See Lucky Trends and GGT, both of which are known disease carrying places and have old women working as prostitutes.

(10) Spa men like getting their asses licked. That will spread disease, is gross, and is close to being homosexual. See jackpuck. He probably has warts on and in his asshole.

(11) Spa guys, the ones in Houston, are usually low-class ethnic minorities or immigrants and old white guys that can't get it up, the ones that actually need a massage to get aroused. See Larch4. These men aren't quality types that are winners and important people in the world. A high class woman would be disgusted by these second rate types. Old white guys are racist toward Asians but will fuck Asian women because they can't get white women and they think Asian women are subservient. They are clueless and broken-down types.

(12) Spa guys pressure and harass LMT to have sex with them. They get off on the fact that they got a legit massage therapist to do extras for them. Sounds like a closet rapist to me.

(13) Spa guys tell tall tales about dating spa girls or having UTRs. Some get possessive of these women as if they are real life gf material. See Larch4. Most of these men can't get Asian women because they aren't Asian or don't understand the culture. Asian men generally don't want to date prostitutes or make them sugar babies. Spa men brag too much.

(14) Spa guys are gutless wonders. Spa guys like putting down non-Asian independents because they can get away with it since they don't see them anyways. See DRSlut. See Chung Tran. See BigBamboo (pathological or serial liar from Fort Worth who likes to think every Asian woman in the business are BBFS types).

(15) Spa guys are ugly looking. If you ever watched the type of people that go inside of these spas, you would see how ugly they are. No wonder that it's a requirement for them to pay for it.

(16) Spa guys like dirty stinky pussy and dirty stinky mouth. Chinese pussy can get smelly because these women don't clean that often. Some of these spa guys like doing DATY on these women which makes them borderline homosexual since a few spa guys like to leave creampies and diseases at the spa locations.

(17) Spa guys are terrible fucks. These guys don't and can't make women come the right way. They prefer quickies and usually need the massage to get excited which shows how old and decrepit they are. See Larch4

(18) Spa guys especially in Houston like fucking old women and some even brag about it. Nowhere on Earth brags like a Houston spa guy when it comes to conquering old pussy for hire. It's quite embarrassing to be honest. See LatinLuvr465.

(19) Spa guys talk way too much. They make it easier for cops to bust them or to target the places that are popular or are known places for illicit activities. If they could only shut their faces, things would get less hairy out there. No one cares that you are fucking the same Asian grannies over and over at some sketchy ass place that everyone knows is a house of prostitution. Keep it all quiet and report only when bad shit happens or is about to happen. You dumb asses and your stupid me so horny playthings are low hanging fruit and get the most attention from Vice.

(20) Spa guys perpetuate trafficking or have a bull's eye painted onto the industry's back by putting the sex trade out in the public open for the entire world to witness. See the demise of backpage and other web sites. What kind of a shit is to drive to a shopping district just to get laid in some cramped space? God damn get with the program and see working girls in better surroundings. Quit making the city look so dirty and sketchy. Why do you think cops have it so bad on the Asian girls? They are pretty much putting it all out in the open by using legit retail space and corrupting it with prostitution. You can just smell the sex and the pussy juices at these places. Everyone including the cops know who, what and where to target. Less demand for these places will help to transition these Asian girls into real incall locations that don't have LE knocking on their doors. Who really needs it that bad in the middle of the night or even later!!

I could go on and on by why bother because it won't get through your thick skulls?
Interesting points, but you should never, ever, ever generalize.
Ok Wolfie aka shinepro

The guy who walked into spas with handful of cash and got rejected

Oh and that bonemaker Barbie lmao
NeilJames's Avatar
Interesting points, but you should never, ever, ever generalize. Originally Posted by xfrankx
Wow SlitlikrEatsClientSperm. What a fuckwad you are. Not only with this racist phobic post but your other 9 also. How in the fuck did you become so enlightened? Really - I want to know. It must be easy for you since you are able to anonymous here.
latinluvr465's Avatar

(18) Spa guys especially in Houston like fucking old women and some even brag about it. Nowhere on Earth brags like a Houston spa guy when it comes to conquering old pussy for hire. It's quite embarrassing to be honest. See LatinLuvr465.

Originally Posted by SlitlikrEatsClientSperm
Wow, I feel honored to be mentioned by the man? who when not jacking off to old issues of National Geographic is busy in his mom's basement dreaming up ways to disguise himself to be able to sexually assault any provider who has not heard of him and/or any neighborhood pets. Carry-on and tell your Mom I'll see her later ("like fucking old women").
this is probably lexus mandle.
Nautingale's Avatar
Not enough quotation marks. Likely Wolf whistle.
MYQUEST's Avatar
So what is the purpose of banning if not to prevent this type of posting? I thought the naming of an establishment as having "diseases" was an automatic ban?
Mods are too busy issuing points for meaningless stuff while shinepro aka wolfwhistle runs amok with a new handle every day and several garbage threads
frankocean187's Avatar
Well he must be describing himself as he has no way to make those statements other than to be going to AMP's himself. Must have been looking in the mirror while typing.
On #4) That's generally all over review sites. Some dudes have no sense of beauty when a 4 is a 7 for them. TER was great for weeding that out.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So what is the purpose of banning if not to prevent this type of posting? I thought the naming of an establishment as having "diseases" was an automatic ban? Originally Posted by MYQUEST
I suspect this Troll will be banned soon.. the Mods just haven't got to him yet.. Dallas guys are getting banned for similar shit now.

by the way, your mention of me in point #14 shows how stupid you are.. I not only DON'T put down non-AMP girls, I see many of them, and review them.. and love them.
maa2015's Avatar
Wow, Sounds like sperm eater or whatever its name is, is mad. He even attacked by name "active" users. He did not directly mention me (maa2015) but I am included indirectly. I frequent AMPs and others on this site. So Sperm whatever. Go bugger off and join myspace. Attacking members like CT, TX, and JP is so chicken s#$t. Lashing out like this illustrate what a loser he is. He needs to be banned. All those mentions keep posting away.