Diner Joke

Was hunting over West Virginia-way with me bludger-mate Chalkie, and we stopped into a diner for lunch.

A big and fat mean-looking lady asked for our order.
Chalkie ordered two hamburgers, while I ordered a hotdog.

The fat lady shuffled over to the freezer and took out
2 frozen patties. She took the first one and shoved it
into her arm-pit. She then took the second one and shoved
it into her other arm-pit and began to move her arms
up and down!

Chalkie yells out, "What are you doing?!"

And the lady answers, "I'm defrosting your hamburgers!"

So I yelled out, "FORGET ME HOTDOG!"

### Salty
What the Piss?! .... Nobody thinks this is funny?

Some o' you fellows got a bad sense of humour.

### Salty
alphonse1948's Avatar
Both jokes have dinosaur shAt on them.
Both jokes have dinosaur shAt on them. Originally Posted by alphonse1948
Well, it IS the 1990s, mate.

No worrys... I'll try to do better!

### Salty
pittlicker's Avatar
Both jokes have dinosaur shAt on them. Originally Posted by alphonse1948
Don't feed him Al. Salty thrives on the attention.
Blimey! Me bludger-mate Pittlicker!
I'd ask how you been, mate - but I don't really care!
But GLAD to see you around these parts.... Really.

### Salty
pittlicker's Avatar
Still with the accent and telling crappy jokes I see. How ya been?
Well, less of the accent now, me friend.
Gettin' too American-ized, I reckon.
(Plus, they got spell-checks)

I DO miss the old site. Didn't really like
the "new one"... But I do miss some of our
old friends.

### Salty
pittlicker's Avatar
Things certainly aren't the same.
This site here seems to be ok. But too many insults and shitty
fighting in the Political forum. Reckon some things never change.

### Salty