Trouble signing on to eecie?

Has anyone else had trouble signing on to eecie? The only way I can get here now is searching for eecie on Google and clicking the link. If I type into the address field it automatically changes the address and takes me weird places. Any suggestions?
nuglet's Avatar
ya might try Eccie, NOT EEcie
fun2come's Avatar
It's Whispers and SL fault or may be Toyz and MikeF ...
Somebody does not want you here .... and they have all the power ...
But since you are here and posted ... you must have done something right


Some ISPs might also mess with you and if you are on your work network, well that's a big NoNo
ck1942's Avatar
Create a favorite link if you are the sole user of your hardware.

In fact, you can create several favorites so can go directly to specific forums.

You should also periodically clear old history caches.