where have all the professionals gone ???

Golfing's Avatar
After another 3 months or of meeting ( rather trying ) to meet new providers i can trust and click with . the last 24 hours were the worst . 6 providers skipped our appointment or sessions . in a row , and all had differnt lies to tell me , then when we tried the next day to set up again . they each lied about when they would make it all 1 or 2 hours late again . i left . howver the ghetto blasting hate filled texts blow up my phone , sob stories , so i gave three of them seprately $600 . this after eadh threatend to tell Gina and slam me on Eccie . it was a twiglight zone . so i canclled p411 and changed my number . sorry but the girls today vs last 6 years are totally selfish mean angry moiney grubbers , save a very small percentage . i felt like i was in BP hell instead of Eccie or p411 or eros providers . bacdk to the asian amps i go
Grace Preston's Avatar
Report the threats to Gina. Period.
pyramider's Avatar
Wow, I have never had this problem. Someone might need to evaluate his selection process and criteria. Tacos, anyone?
  • 07-06-2017, 06:22 PM
Probably because since backpage shut down adult section some no girls could have moved to eccie there's no telling hun sorry your having a crapy time trying to find a good provider
pmdelites's Avatar
sorry for your misfortunes and way less than deliteful experiences !!!
hope you get to experience some delites real soon !!!!!

since some of those providers "extorted" (*) money out of you, please name them so guys can either avoid them or flock to them.

(* extort - to wrest or wring (money, information, etc.) from a person by violence, intimidation, or abuse of authority; obtain by force, torture, threat, or the like.)
Pedrosia's Avatar
Name the extortionists.

I thought my frustration with my obvious misunderstanding of the meaning of available now was bad but I have all my cash.
PeterBota's Avatar
Wtf you gave them money. Geezuz fucking christ. Cmon
I hope things in this lifestyle get better for you. You have lots of choices in DFW, so do your research and choose wisely.
I don't understand the logic of starting a thread to rant about getting totally fucked over, but then not naming the providers.

Isn't that what this board is for? To help other members avoid the same mistakes?
Golfing's Avatar
These evcents or episodes used to be rare and with rogue providers. But the first who was so agreeable and saying she is looking forward to meeting ( i alwasy schedule 2 hours with even someone i have never met . just dint like to rush . i pay the fee plus $100 tip always. So she was motivated , well 1 pm went and pased and i sent her no less than ten texts . even saying honey i a m quite worried about you . Crickets very perplexing because she always sounded so normal and educated on the communicatiosn . I finally get a text 3 hours later saying her car broke down on the side of the road . of course i was empathetic , but later i realized what a tale , a lie , coz if it were true a provider from my past experience would have called me and told me what was going on at 1 pm , not like 6 pm . in anycase i asked voiea text if she would like to try again in the morning . texted three times no answer . so i scheduled a double session at 7 am the next day which was today . so yesterday was a total wash since i had the hotel room specifically fo rthe hobby i was prevented from calling anyone else by this provider who wen dark . then the double providers texted m ethe last text of the evening that they would be there at 7 am and text me at 6 am to let me know they are on there way . well no text no call . i wasnt going to call them becasue of ther hour so i never heard from them till ten am with the exciuse of hey you were supposed totext us to confirm . lol of course that wasnt true as i have the text . and honestly if the provider isnt interested enough to text me the customer than i dont want to push her either . so i had a 9 am that was moved the day before to a 9:30 session , this one is highly reviewed but we talked twice and she confirmed . never a word even still , how can that be she is 400 an hour as well and i had a k waitng on her. She never answered on of my texts or me pm's . then i hear from the provider he had car trouble . she said she was close 25 -30 mons at 8 am . and i said sure come over . 9:15 am i get the message she is heading my way , afdter dropping off a friend . this after i told her on the phone , ok but it wont be a minute after 8:30 am right ? tight was the answer , so since she was still 30 mins , i told her to foreget it . oh my then ghetto comes out and all the threats saying she has my real name and knows where i live and my car license numbre . she and one other i forget to tell you who blew her appointment 2 hours today , i finally relented and told both they can stop by the parking lot and i will give the the fee whioch of course was all they wanted . omg ladies and gentlamn who would pay full fee after all that lying nonsense . me I gave each $600 . and this was just after all the threats and getting me thrown off eccie or whatever . selfish in the highest regard , and zero empathy for all the time i wasted . lastly the 11 am i simply lost all my libido , biut even that one was 30 min late.. its pervasive . i have many more stories like this .I am sorry the level of provider i have been meeting the last 6 months has chagned drastically . its all bp hell . no to those providsers i dont kniw , some i do , there are few who opperate with integrity not ghetto profanity and threats and are sweet compassionate and caring . i did not find any but i am sure they are out there . but i would see a provider in dallas now even is she paid me . and they should !!
Golfing's Avatar
fyi i am 8 years in the hobby and very very experienced . many many providers i have met over the years . and it is differant attitude and character today
Golfing's Avatar
I am guilty of giving money my friend in many many many situations . maybe most of my sessions , she opens the door and i am shocked who i am looking at , but because this is a business depending on beauty i don't want to hurt feelings so i make up an aexcuse wife called or something give her 100% of the fee plus tip and leave . many many times
Golfing's Avatar
If i already feel sorry for these women , going public with them would do nothing but produce their ire and these girls are gifted liars . if i was to name names where i was truly fucked over like this it would be more than 15 . i will say , simply don't trust most who u have never seen . all these girls are well reviewed some over 100 reviews . so in theory they are professional courteous, and good at there job . but i have seen so few of that and 80% of this new bp treatment type , names are not needed . they are all over this board and p411 . it disappointing because i am what they seek good active client who is generous
pyramider's Avatar
Again, name names.
Blah, blah, blah.

Is posting this stuff therapeutic or are you just looking for sympathy?