Have you noticed that the weather is getting worse?

john_galt's Avatar
For some of you this is not to be taken too seriously and you know who you are...

For all the talk about global warming, have you noticed that the weather is gotten worse since Obama has taken office? I think this is only fair since (for some odd reason) Bush was blamed for Katrina.

I'm not sure that worse is a operative term since weather is weather but it has been worse for us.

Bush wasn't blamed for Katrina, but he was blamed for the aftermath. The government as a whole was blamed if I'm correct.

You can't blame the weather a president or one person, as much as you or I would like. Mother nature is what she is, and she doesn't care who is president, mayor, governor, etc.
CuriousMe's Avatar
SSSSHHHHHH, don't tell nobody that this has been a colder than normal winter. Otherwise Gore and the gang can't put a carbon tax on us. The international banks can't make their money on trading the made up out of thin air carbon credits. SSHHHH
Don't tell Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that either....

"Bush wasn't blamed for Katrina..."

Some kooks have in fact inferred that Bush had some secret weather machine.

Some kooks with better name recognition have inferred or accused Bush of blowing up the levees to flood the poor parts of town - Spike Lee, Louis Farrakhan, etc. ABC News even did a story on it.

According to Gallup, 10% of the population believes this as well.

Its not a far fetched idea...in 1927, the levees in NO were breeched, to save the wealthier part of town....still very unlikely though.

So, yes, Bush has been blamed for Katrina, itself. Cheney has already been blamed for the earthquake in Haiti. All kinds of conspiracy theories floating out there.
Longermonger's Avatar
SSSSHHHHHH, don't tell nobody that this has been a colder than normal winter. Otherwise Gore and the gang can't put a carbon tax on us. The international banks can't make their money on trading the made up out of thin air carbon credits. SSHHHH Originally Posted by CuriousMe

Do you claim that this has been a colder than normal winter IN THE USA or WORLDWIDE? You do understand that North America can have a cold spell while the rest of the world is having a hot spell, don't you?

Are you a regular viewer of Sean Hannity? Now how would I know that???
Longermonger's Avatar
"January 2000 to December 2009 was the warmest decade on record. Throughout the last three decades, the GISS surface temperature record shows an upward trend of about 0.2°C (0.36°F) per decade. Since 1880, the year that modern scientific instrumentation became available to monitor temperatures precisely, a clear warming trend is present, though there was a leveling off between the 1940s and 1970s.

The near-record temperatures of 2009 occurred despite an unseasonably cool December in much of North America. High air pressures in the Arctic decreased the east-west flow of the jet stream, while also increasing its tendency to blow from north to south and draw cold air southward from the Arctic. This resulted in an unusual effect that caused frigid air from the Arctic to rush into North America and warmer mid-latitude air to shift toward the north.

"Of course, the contiguous 48 states cover only 1.5 percent of the world area, so the U.S. temperature does not affect the global temperature much,' said Hansen.""

NASA is in my posse.
"January 2000 to December 2009 was the warmest decade on record. Throughout the last three decades, the GISS surface temperature record shows an upward trend of about 0.2°C (0.36°F) per decade. Since 1880, the year that modern scientific instrumentation became available to monitor temperatures precisely, a clear warming trend is present, though there was a leveling off between the 1940s and 1970s.

The near-record temperatures of 2009 occurred despite an unseasonably cool December in much of North America. High air pressures in the Arctic decreased the east-west flow of the jet stream, while also increasing its tendency to blow from north to south and draw cold air southward from the Arctic. This resulted in an unusual effect that caused frigid air from the Arctic to rush into North America and warmer mid-latitude air to shift toward the north.

"Of course, the contiguous 48 states cover only 1.5 percent of the world area, so the U.S. temperature does not affect the global temperature much,' said Hansen.""

NASA is in my posse. Originally Posted by Longermonger
A question - where is the above quote cited and who is Hansen?
This Nasa?


Turns out they have been, ahem, incorrect before, when making 'warmest ever' claims.

Whodathunkit, a bunch of government scientists whose very positions depend on continued research have made mistakes towards the 'warming' side.

How come NASA keeps removing temperature stations from its data set?

How come the CRU won't release the algorithm they use to 'adjust' the temperature data?

How come nobody acknowledges that temperature reading stations are being overtaken by development, with no temperature adjustment - per this link.


There is a guy at work here is absolutely terrified about global warming, he has actually told me that it is immoral to have more than one child as a result. He is completely illogical about it, and stirred only by fear. Therefore, the only thing I can say to him is:

Put down the Rolling Stone...back away slowly.
SFviii's Avatar
Not sure if anyone realize that El Nino happened last year on the Pacific Ocean and the west coast. According to weather/climate experts, El Nino tends to disrupt and create chaos on the natural scheme of things that was a normal climate system that some are used to. Last time El Nino came forth a couple of years ago, there was an excessive amount of hurricanes that visited the east coast and transforms in tropical storms inland. This year, the winter storms are brutal...especially on the east coast

dirty dog's Avatar
Monger, I am going to ask you again, I know your not going to answer but again, what kind of car do you drive, have you converted your home to solar, do you recycle or are you like most climate zelots who talk the game but who owns gas guzzlers, energy guzzling homes, flys all over the country, you know like Al Gore.
So much for not taking this thread to seriously, right guys?
john_galt's Avatar
Okay, this thread was not supposed to be that serious but some people brought up a few things that need clarification;

Hansen; [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hansen[/ame] a discredited scientist (physics, not climate) who worked for NASA. He frequently went before the public with claims about global warming but was rebuffed by his superiors because he could not back up his claims with scientific proof. See Roy Spenser, NASA.

There has also been record cold weather in China, the Korean peninsula, Japan, Mongolia, Denmark, Scotland, etc. Remember the Climate conference in December? Record cold! Record snow in Beijeng! http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=41295

After my last post I wanted this post to be more light hearted but some people are strangely defensive. There is a psychological term for that but that would be too serious. One lady was unaware of the fraud perpetrated on the people. That is understood since it has not really been reported in the main stream media.

It is becoming apparent to the most uninformed that there are some problems with the Global warming claims. Every week it seems that one more piece of the puzzle turns out to be a fraud. Information from a rock climbing journal was used as scientific peer reviewed evidence in the UN climate report. The orginal author (a college student) never said he had proof, he was just musing about the future. That ended up in the report and the head climatologist in England knew where the info came from!!!

Longermonger; I read six newspapers online and check the websites of Fox News, ABC, and CNN. I do have Glenn Beck on my desk top but I haven't went to his website in .....about three weeks and that is rare. So please take your hatred and rejoin your flat earth friends.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Looks like hatred and snide remarks swing both ways.

All I know is that it was colder than a witch's tit this morning.
Longermonger's Avatar
Galt, I never addressed you. In fact, I don't know how you can claim that I have any hatred considering how little I typed. Did "NASA is in my posse." followed by a smiley face cut you to the core? LOL

Now, to correct you...

Hansen is not discredited. Hansen knows quite a bit about the climate of Earth and other planets. My guess is the "rebuffed by superiors" part is when the Bush Administration censored his report for political reasons. Is that what you're referring to?

See Roy Spencer. I did! LOL Why is Roy Spencer a member of the Heartland Institute? The Heartland Institute is funded by oil companies and tobacco companies!

DD, is that some kind of trick to get my to post personal info? Do you want my license plate and home address too? Should i post pictures? heh heh Don't worry, I'm not driving my Hummer to the airport to hop on a private jet. Sorry to disappoint you.