There goes the Military

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden Continues to Destroy our Military

The Military Recruiting Crisis: Even Veterans Don’t Want Their Families to Join. Pentagon scrambles to retain the main pipeline for new service members as disillusioned families steer young people away

"The U.S. Army in 2022 had its toughest recruiting year since the advent of the all-volunteer military in 1973 and missed its goal by 25%.

This year, it expects to end up about 15,000 short of its target of 65,000 recruits."
berryberry's Avatar
Perhaps this is why - Yeah, this will help make 18-22 year old males sign up

"The World Is Laughing At Us": U.S. Army Shares Story Of Suicidally Depressed Transgender Major

As part of a ‘Pride’ celebration, The U.S. Army shared to social media the story of a transgender Major who now identifies as a woman after previously being suicidally depressed.

What a stunning and brave message to send to America’s military enemies.

This comes on the heels of ‘Admiral’ Rachel Levine, The Biden administration’s transgender Assistant Secretary for Health, declaring that puberty blockers and transgender surgeries are necessary to stop *** killing themselves.

Levine also decreed that Pride should now last the entire Summer, during a weird groomer type ‘interview’ with a trans ***.

The weirdness prompted Tucker Carlson to respond, “Few Americans in our history have come as far as Rick Levine. Here’s a fat guy in a Halloween costume who somehow became the federal health minister.”

“What we have here is living proof that in this country, you really can be whatever you want to be,” Carlson continued, adding “If Rick Levine can become ‘Admiral Rachel,’ why can’t you be Napoleon? Or Lord Mountbatten, the last viceroy of India? Ever see that guy’s uniform?”
berryberry's Avatar
FYI: US service members who identify as transgender can seek an indefinite fitness standards exemption. This has a detrimental effect on readiness. Fitness standards should apply ALL service members.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trannies are the only ones in the military to not have to endure endless, in your face harassment. It’s only done when they exit the room, in fear of loss of rank or worse. It’s a shame that they fucked up a culture of mercilessly insulting your best friends.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
FYI: US service members who identify as transgender can seek an indefinite fitness standards exemption. This has a detrimental effect on readiness. Fitness standards should apply ALL service members.

Originally Posted by berryberry
That freak has an air assault badge on. Maybe it took a tail rotor to the cabeza and fucked up its brain because there’s no way, in its current form, is it doing a 12 mile ruck march or most of the other things required to earn it.
berryberry's Avatar
Another freak

berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden just came out against merit-based promotions in the military, preferring to continue using race as a factor.

China and Russia aren’t using DEI to choose their military leaders.

Senile Biden hates America
  • El-mo
  • 07-12-2023, 07:00 AM
FYI: US service members who identify as transgender can seek an indefinite fitness standards exemption. This has a detrimental effect on readiness. Fitness standards should apply ALL service members.

Originally Posted by berryberry
I don’t think you’re lying as much as I think you’re not really concerned with the truth or able to discern credible sources. Transgender military personnel are exempt from physical standards during the period of transition. The transition period is dictated by their military doctor. Service members can’t just SAY they’re transitioning and get indefinite exemption.

The policy is right here:
Yeah, they're certainly not interested in the truth or discerning credible sources. If 2015-present has shown us anything, their "truth" is just what they feel it should be.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s too insanely ridiculous for putting into words. Kids get sent to psych wards and tossed out of boot camp for crying in their bunk bc they miss their girlfriends, yet we make 22 page regulations to coddle glaringly mentally ill people. They have no business in the service, at all. Once proud institutions that date back to the country’s founding are now a joke. We’ve completely lost our minds.
Cody69's Avatar
FYI: US service members who identify as transgender can seek an indefinite fitness standards exemption. This has a detrimental effect on readiness. Fitness standards should apply ALL service members.

Originally Posted by berryberry
I have to ask this, were you in the military?? Please be honest?
Cody69's Avatar
So let me make sure I understand all of your post of people in the Military and your likes and Hates. You don't like the transgenders, You hate the democrats, You hate the Blacks because of the continuous bashing of anything has to do with them, You hate the Mexicans, let them go back where they come from and die. I can't remember if you hate the Jews, I don't remember any thing derogatory about them. Do you like the Jews? Keep in mind Jesus was a Jew.

You wish the Ukraine people were all slaughtered and the ones that live be slaves to Russia. You love Russia, You love all Republicans especially Trump and DeSantis, I could go on and on, But let me stay on Topic, You hate the Transgenders even though they want to keep you safe and fight for our country. Because they was born not normal in your opinion they shouldn't be in the military am I understanding you correctly?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Who advocated any of that or said they hate anyone? You’ve got a big reading comprehension issue. It’s not about hate. Mentally ill people shouldn’t be in uniform just because they’re willing. We’ve rightfully held that standard until like 5 minutes ago, for good reason.
Cody69's Avatar
Who advocated any of that or said they hate anyone? You’ve got a big reading comprehension issue. It’s not about hate. Mentally ill people shouldn’t be in uniform just because they’re willing. We’ve rightfully held that standard until like 5 minutes ago, for good reason. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Mentally Ill ran this country for four years and got people killed when he lost fair and square and it didn't seem to bother you. Mentally ill is going to run again with the same lies and does that bother you?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Nice try but a completely moronic dodge.