Mickey Mantles outstanding experience at Yankee Stadium

I got a blow-job under the right field Bleachers, by the Yankee Bull pen.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
One of my best friends was an ass't pro at Preston Trails in Dallas where Mantle played and he has a signed note saying he owed him $20 but it was not for a bj

One of many Oklahoma's baseball stars
Guest032213-02's Avatar
Unfortunately his liver got more hits than his bat did. Aww, Too soon?
topsgt38801's Avatar
He had great potential, but between injuries and the liquor, it stopped what could have been a very great career. He was still pretty impressive even with those issues.
coast_encounter's Avatar
I had to check for myself because that is way too funny.. I checked on Snopes and it is definately true. :-)

Sir Lancelot's Avatar
Makes me wish I had made my handle The Mick.

Now I know why he was always my hero.

What was the sign from the dugout to tell Mick the play?
Yerassman's Avatar
Different time different era, America, post WWII was anything but health conscience. The GI's came home and the party was on. A golden age in this country, but why not? Look at what they had been through in Europe and the Pacific. The greatest generation!
Yerassman's Avatar
That letter is hysterical. My Dad was an ardent Yankees fan, would have howled at that letter.