Get out of jail free card.

dtx/tn's Avatar
How would you use it? If you could get away with anything, what would you do? Alternatively, if you could revisit any event of your past, would you change anything - if so, what?
Black Sedan's Avatar
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. So I'd really need 2 get out of jail free cards.
SexySyan's Avatar
That word alone is non-existent in my I can only say that is something i would never want to need or use!!!
Wow - what a question....first of all....don't get me changin the past...leave it where it belongs.

I would just save my card. There's nothing I particularly want to get away with....and if I really had such a card....and something did happen to me....I don't thihnk I would waste it on a misdemeanor! I would save it in case I got in some real never know...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im with Amusment , leave the past in the past ..Id accept the card but would hope id never have to use it. I dont want to get away with anything i didnt deserve in the first place....but if i had to pick something i would want to get away with it would be to make someone fall in love with me lol
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto--save "for a rainy day"