Sleep Better: Eat These 5 Foods

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What you eat will have a big influence on the quality of your sleep. You can easily sleep better by making a few changes and being sure to include foods that promote rest.

1.Cottage Cheese...
Cottage cheese is a perfect source of protein before bed since it contains slow-digesting casein proteins that will distribute the amino acids to the muscle tissues for hours to come.
While most people think of oatmeal as a breakfast food, it does work well in the evening due to the fact that the carbohydrates cause a serotonin release in the body. Serotonin is a ”feel good” hormone that decreases stress and puts you in a much calmer state of mind.
Since oatmeal is also a slower digesting source of carbohydrates, you won't have to worry about waking up halfway through the night with crashing blood sugar levels
3.Peanuts or peanut butter....... Peanuts are a rich source of niacin, which is another nutrient that helps to increase the release of serotonin in the system.

Serotonin is a ”feel good” hormone that decreases stress and puts you in a much calmer state of mind."

4.Warm milk.......
You might have heard it before and just chalked it up to an old wives tale, but having a glass of warm milk before bed can actually promote faster sleep. The reason behind this is due to the fact that milk also contains that tryptophan amino acid, and for most people, the warm liquid provides a soothing effect and will have a very relaxing effect.
Additionally, milk also offers up a good dose of calcium, which works in the brain to help regulate the production of melatonin, which is a substance that's going to naturally control your sleep-wake cycle.

Finally, the last food that you'll want to consider having before bed to help promote a restful night's sleep is grapes. Grapes are the only fruit found to contain the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin, so by adding them regularly to your diet, you can help boost the natural sleep-wake cycle in the body. This will then allow you to get to sleep faster each night.