Let's Get This Straight Right Now!!!

Kieva's Avatar
  • Kieva
  • 01-12-2023, 12:54 AM

First off I do not have a freaking man or a manager!!! Nor do I want either!

And no one has ever driven me to an outcall and waited outside a Hobbyist home waiting for me! I have my own car in my name and I drive myself!

I live in an apartment complex where other people live so therefore, I'm not the only person that lives in this apartment community where there's black guys, white guys, asian guys, and hispanic guys live there and they come in and out of their apartments! So just because you see men around the apartment community doesn't mean that I know everyone!

And lastly, the situation about Karlee and her boyfriend...... Yes, I was in an appointment after Karlee and I did a 2girl. Karlee hungout on my patio after our session and her freaking boyfriend was banging on my door and I panicked and told the guy to change into the bathroom as I actually thought it was my nephew because he drove in from Colorado to see me with his wife and kids. I was wrong.....Again, it was Karlee freaking boyfriend and I was pissed off! She let him in because they were fighting and I'm 100% done with her! So again I don't have a man nor do I want one and I certainly would never have any management!

So why don't you guys PM and ask what really happened instead of just throwing stuff out there that's not true.
CG2014's Avatar
I think she is responding to this review here and the part about her nephew.


When women act like this, there is only one explanation

Kieva's Avatar
  • Kieva
  • 01-12-2023, 05:02 AM
You are referring to the contents of the review or the comments after?
ignatius's Avatar
I don't know that "soft" is fair. Your explanation helps but the referenced post is the kind of drama that customers really, really do not want
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
You are referring to the contents of the ROS of the review or the comments after? Originally Posted by cage196
A slight edit

Yes, inquiring minds want to know.

These threads never go as planned.
Kieva's Avatar
  • Kieva
  • 01-12-2023, 12:26 PM
Yes I'm referring to those comments and not the review!
And okay if soft isn't the right word then I will say that there is too much female in most of these guys.
No disrespect.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Don't allow comments on an Internet Hooker Review Board affect you like this.

All gals go through these spells and it will pass.

Most people on here would not have even known or cared if you hadn't posted this thread. This thread opened up for everyone to go look at what was said.

The upside is it also allows them to look at the good reviews too.

A suggestion, and only a suggestion. You've had your say on what you felt needed to be said. Say no more and move on to bigger and better things. Those wh have been here for many years know that when a gal posts these threads, it always backfires on her and never is positive.

At the end of the day, no one gives a flying flip what's said on a Hooker review board by pimps, junkies, family members, and keyboard warriors.

You're a beautiful and talented woman. Use your powers for sexual good.
rollingstone36's Avatar
I'm interested in hearing from ANYONE whom has actually seen Kieva in the last 1-2 months! All I've been able to see her a couple years ago and we became good friends and would see one another a couple times a month just as friends until about 2 months ago, I haven't heard from or seen her since, other than receiving texts supposedly from her asking that I not contact her going forward?? If anyone else also feels she might have fallen victim to some sinister type of plot/situation, please send me a PM ASAP! And Kieva, if you are out of harms way , please get in touch with me as well to explain wtf has been going on the last couple months!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-20-2023, 08:22 AM
I'm interested in hearing from ANYONE whom has actually seen Kieva in the last 1-2 months! All I've been able to see her a couple years ago and we became good friends and would see one another a couple times a month just as friends until about 2 months ago, I haven't heard from or seen her since, other than receiving texts supposedly from her asking that I not contact her going forward?? If anyone else also feels she might have fallen victim to some sinister type of plot/situation, please send me a PM ASAP! And Kieva, if you are out of harms way , please get in touch with me as well to explain wtf has been going on the last couple months! Originally Posted by rollingstone36
She's not your friend , she's a hooker
ntxguy's Avatar
I'm interested in hearing from ANYONE whom has actually seen Kieva in the last 1-2 months! All I've been able to see her a couple years ago and we became good friends and would see one another a couple times a month just as friends until about 2 months ago, I haven't heard from or seen her since, other than receiving texts supposedly from her asking that I not contact her going forward?? If anyone else also feels she might have fallen victim to some sinister type of plot/situation, please send me a PM ASAP! And Kieva, if you are out of harms way , please get in touch with me as well to explain wtf has been going on the last couple months! Originally Posted by rollingstone36
Dude do you need me to bring you a box of Kleenex? You sound like a jilted lover or a stalker.
ahab11's Avatar
She's not your friend , she's a hooker Originally Posted by BLM69
Yep, and most of us have to learn this the hard way.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
I'm interested in hearing from ANYONE whom has actually seen Kieva in the last 1-2 months! All I've been able to see her a couple years ago and we became good friends and would see one another a couple times a month just as friends until about 2 months ago, I haven't heard from or seen her since, other than receiving texts supposedly from her asking that I not contact her going forward?? If anyone else also feels she might have fallen victim to some sinister type of plot/situation, please send me a PM ASAP! And Kieva, if you are out of harms way , please get in touch with me as well to explain wtf has been going on the last couple months! Originally Posted by rollingstone36
Buddy, if she was “in” harms way, I doubt the people harming her would let her take a break to post on here, lol
mrredcat43's Avatar
I'm interested in hearing from ANYONE whom has actually seen Kieva in the last 1-2 months! All I've been able to see her a couple years ago and we became good friends and would see one another a couple times a month just as friends until about 2 months ago, I haven't heard from or seen her since, other than receiving texts supposedly from her asking that I not contact her going forward?? If anyone else also feels she might have fallen victim to some sinister type of plot/situation, please send me a PM ASAP! And Kieva, if you are out of harms way , please get in touch with me as well to explain wtf has been going on the last couple months! Originally Posted by rollingstone36
Lol. She ain’t gonna give it up for free. Nice try
shooter6.5's Avatar
As much as I do not agree with Admiral Giggle a lot---He hit it right on the head. Kieva should have never posted this thread and 80% of the readers would never have know.

Let it go and move on or out!!

And I visited her several years ago when she was at a different location, and had a good visit.