question for the ladies....

ok, Ive been getting alot of cancelled appts lately and was wondering if its just me or all the providers in dallas? Ive never had so many cancelled apts in the past month than I have had in the past 4yrs of providing...

hopefully its not just me!
I am hope that the reference I gave you the other day on a gentlemen wasn't one of them?
funny you ask tara because he cancelled today at the last minute, errrr....
Sorry to intrude, but this is the way of the hobby world sometimes, I have scheduled with dozens of providers, that about half cancel for whatever reason, then there are the ones who NCNS......There is no way around it, no matter how careful or attentive to every little detail, that is why I always have plans B, C, and alot of times D.
I can understand that because everyone has emergencys or stuff just pops up,but I never had that problem before with the guys in dallas they have always been great but just here recently everyone has called at last minute or ncns etc... then I miss other appts and wasted time. thats why I'm asking the ladies is it just me?
funny you ask tara because he cancelled today at the last minute, errrr.... Originally Posted by hot.jewel
Sorry babe but he is a really nice guy.
thanks,it sucks!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I get burned occasionally by only scheduling one girl. Rarely do the ladies cancel on me. I try to give them the same respect as I would want when it comes to scheduling.

Sorry you have run into a stretch of cancellations.
BluesMan's Avatar
I guess you know I wouldn't cancel on ya. My problem is finding time away from work to come down and see ya!
oh blues I know you would never!
Guest071315's Avatar
I've had more than usual cancel. Guys and their back up plans. Unfortunately, with so many flaky girls, guys have to make multiple appointments.

Sorry! hang in there!
Im not flaky so I would expect the guys to be the same way but I guess it doesnt work that way. but I'm not going any where!
Guest071315's Avatar
That's the spirit!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
It's great to make their lists out of all the lovely ladies available, but yes, it sucks to get canceled on. Some ladies charge a cancellation fee in order to negate this. Those of us that are dependable, shouldn't have to pay for the flakes out there, but unfortunately, life ain't fair. Darn it! LOL The funny thing is, many of them have been reported as being constantly late or NCNS and the gents just kinda look over that. I guess when ya get a craving for an Almond Joy, ya hang out at the candy shelf hoping the nutty candy shows up on the shelf or ya wait as long as ya can and then ya grab the Mounds that's already there and waiting just for YOU. LOL
elgato111's Avatar
As with any other business there are always times when changes occur causing cancellations. I personally have experienced a few cancellations over the last few months with providers I have seen before.

I have noticed lately that cancellations by providers have increased a little bit from what I have read in various threads and reviews. Seems like there has been a large number of new girls joining up and I suspect that they have been overwhelmed with requests for appointments and may have had a hard time scheduling due to their inexperience in the business.

If I had an appointment with you Jewel you can bet I would show up and probably be more than happy I did. Don't let it get you down sweetie, things will get better, so hang in there.