feel bad about canceling at last minute

I was driving to Dallas from Denton to meet for the first time a person I am sure is quite nice and had major engine failure just north of Lewisville. Fortunately I was able to get off the highway and a tow to Denton. I had to call (text) the lady I was going to meet with. She seemed none too happy. Should I offer a gift of twice as much if I kindly ask her if we could meet in a few weeks? I am super bumming about all of this. Of course this in addition to the new engine I will be acquiring in the next week or so. Until then, stuck in little "d".
fletch's Avatar
i know this is always a hot topic on the board, from both a provider and hobbyist perspective.

where i come from shit happens (as long as its not all the time). you did the right thing by calling and i am sure it was a sincere discussion. if you are anything like me when heading to an appt the anticipation is big and the little head is getting excited too.

i wouldn't offer a gift per se, but try to reschedule and if you desire then offer a little more to make up for the missed appointment. my .02
elgato111's Avatar
Things do happen at a time when you least expect them to. Sure she is not happy about losing out on your visit, but it happens in this business. You did what any gentleman would do, contacted her and explained your situation.

I don't see a need to offer a gift or more as a make up for your trouble, but might go a long way in soothing her feathers. Just a suggestion.
I have had gentlemen cancel on me and even within 20 minutes or so before an appointment. Do I get aggravated? Occasionally... Do I let them KNOW I am aggravated? OF COURSE NOT!

Real life happens...things happen...

If she will agree to see you again, it would be a LOVELY gesture to offer to "over pay" but the "tip" is up to you.

When my guys have offered to "make it up to me" after canceling, I have never accepted.

Just sayin'...
Lana Warren's Avatar
I have had gentlemen cancel on me and even within 20 minutes or so before an appointment. Do I get aggravated? Occasionally... Do I let them KNOW I am aggravated? OF COURSE NOT!

Real life happens...things happen...

If she will agree to see you again, it would be a LOVELY gesture to offer to "over pay" but the "tip" is up to you.

When my guys have offered to "make it up to me" after canceling, I have never accepted.

Just sayin'... Originally Posted by vnurse

Amen, Sista!
Lana...one of these days, we should start a class...don't ya think? OMG!
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
Find yourself a local Denton gal (;
It really goes both ways. Clients cancel at the last minute but so do providers. We're people with real lives too and occasionally life happens to us too.

I look at it like this. I'm in the business of relaxation. If I let something like that get to me then I'm in the wrong business. When I've had to cancel or postpone a session, I always offer a nice make up plus extra time. It won't erase that last minute "damnit" feeling but it helps. Bottom line, make the gesture. It's up to her to accept or not. You can only do what you can do.
pmdelites's Avatar
Lana...one of these days, we should start a class...don't ya think? OMG! Originally Posted by vnurse
like i offered Italiana Princess when she was going to hold provider boot camp last fall, i would be honored to be the client dummy for any sessions in the curriculum where a man is needed.

note i DID NOT say dummy client. :^)
pm...YOU are certainly no "dummy"!

Are you going to get to visit Dharma's when I'm there this time? Hope so!
All4U's Avatar
  • All4U
  • 03-10-2011, 09:13 PM
FishGuy13's Avatar
like i offered Italiana Princess when she was going to hold provider boot camp last fall, i would be honored to be the client dummy for any sessions in the curriculum where a man is needed.

note i DID NOT say dummy client. :^) Originally Posted by pmdelites
Hmm, perhaps a 'workshop' of sorts is in order for both sides might be a good idea .... I'd volunteer/ perhaps even pay a small entrance fee...