Odumbo's Secretary of State violated the Logan Act.

I B Hankering's Avatar
... but SEN Cotton (AR) says he won't pursue charges over defunct, dead letter law ... but he will ridicule dim-retards for being hypocrites. More at Free Beacon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In violation of the Logan Act which the Odumbo appointee Sally Yates was screaming about and which she used to hammer General Flynn into submission -- but dims are silent when their boy John Kerry has been negotiating as a private citizen with Iran covertly working against Trump's foreign policy:

Former Secretary of State John Kerry disclosed that he has been conducting rogue diplomacy with top Iranian officials to salvage the landmark nuclear deal and push the Islamic Republic to negotiate its contested missile program, according to recent remarks.

Kerry, in an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt to promote his new book, said that he has met with Iranian Former Minister Javad Zarif—the former secretary's onetime negotiating partner—three or four times in recent months behind the Trump administration's back. (Free Beacon)
it is important to bring stories like this to light.
it is important to bring stories like this to light. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yes 28,000 of our fine servicemen and women who perished in Vietnam needlessly will thank you for bringing this despicable treason to light.

lustylad's Avatar
Yes 28,000 of our fine servicemen and women who perished in Vietnam needlessly will thank you for bringing this despicable treason to light.

http://www.commondreams.org/views/20...ietnam-treason Originally Posted by andymarksman
So andy... for the sake of argument, let's stipulate your link is true.

What makes you think 28,000 of our servicepeople would be alive today but for Nixon's interference in the 1968 peace talks?
So andy... for the sake of argument, let's stipulate your link is true.

What makes you think 28,000 of our servicepeople would be alive today but for Nixon's interference in the 1968 peace talks? Originally Posted by lustylad
I wish I could LOL, but I just can't. You know what I mean.

In the four years between the sabotage and what Kissinger term "peace at hand" just prior to the 1972 election, more than 20,000 US troops died in Vietnam. More than 100,000 were wounded. More than a million Vietnamese were killed.

But in 1973, Kissinger was given the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the same settlement he helped sabotage in 1968. (Commondreams)
Now pray tell if any US military personnel had been killed as the result of Kerry privately urging the Iranians to resolve the issues regarding their missile technology, their support of Hezbollah and the Houthi rebels, and above all, their outsized military presence in Syria, as Trump has stressed numerous times in public.

I B Hankering's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
I wish I could LOL, but I just can't. You know what I mean. Originally Posted by andymarksman
We're talking about American deaths in Vietnam and you want to LOL? No, I don't know what you mean. But I do know your assumption that the war could or would have come to a screeching halt in 1968, allowing all 500,000+ US troops to pull out of Vietnam overnight with no further casualties, is utterly preposterous.

LBJ wasn't even close to a peace agreement with the North Vietnamese. He just wanted to announce a bombing halt to raise false hopes among US voters and help his boy Hubert Humphrey win the 1968 election. It subsequently took Nixon 5 long years to get anywhere in negotiations with the North Vietnamese. So it is a BIG LIE to say 28,000 Americans would be alive today but for Nixon interfering in LBJ's peace talks, even had he done such a thing.
bambino's Avatar
Maybe the Iranian people don’t want to wait it out. Their economy is in the shitter and people are hurting. But Kerry is telling their terrorist leader to wait it out. After all, American citizens had to wait out Obama’s terrible economy.
Wakeup's Avatar
Back on topic...
the Federal Marshals should be waiting for Kerry at the airport. Cuffs in hand.

He has no business what so ever meeting with any Iranian Official.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If they're not gonna prosecute John Kerry, why don't they just censure Kerry????
For the same reason they won't prosecute him. THEY ARE a bunch of spineless morons.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
For the same reason they won't prosecute him. THEY ARE a bunch of spineless crooks Originally Posted by garhkal