Wow, you can tell SXSW is over....

Almost all of the Austin providers are online this morning and actually answering requests....

Guess they didn't meet the hipster billionaire of their dreams during SXSW...
Good thing I didn't go 💋
winn dixie's Avatar
Glad that crap is over and gone..
sue_nami's Avatar
I had a GREAT time and love it and all the excitement and great bands it brings to town. the day parties started Tuesday and I went out daily noon till 8 for free had a great time for the last 6 days. This sort of thing is why I live here. I love live music, fun free parties and I am so glad to live here and be able to party all day and then skip the costly night time stuff and get a good night's rest to do it again the next day. It's a boon to our local tax base, economy and service people. long live sxsw!
Agent220's Avatar
Was in another state. NOLA was rainy and chilly but the food is divine. Going back in June.
I was in a land far,far away from this annual shit show.
How many people were shot this year-- 6 or 7?
nuglet's Avatar
Glad that crap is over and gone.. Originally Posted by winn dixie
LOL We agree on at least one thing!!! Aquafest sure went to hell!
winn dixie's Avatar
LOL We agree on at least one thing!!! Aquafest sure went to hell! Originally Posted by nuglet
C'mon now Nuggie. We've agreed on other subjects? Shurely?

Aquafest did decline in its latter years. memories!
  • gc161
  • 03-19-2019, 04:09 PM
Almost all of the Austin providers are online this morning and actually answering requests....

Guess they didn't meet the hipster billionaire of their dreams during SXSW...
Originally Posted by Anonymous01
I'm sure there are a few cases of success. All the others have their reasons. You know things can be strange in Austin. I appreciate your observation but wonder about the Kimlan levels.
SXSW isn't playtime for me.
It's "Uber and deliver as much as possible without falling asleep behind the wheel for playtime $$$" time.
I didn't do too shabby. Hopefully the ladies snagged some out-of-town clients,too.
We all have to make our $$$.
I had much more fun at Aqua Fest. Land and Pet parade for the kids. For adults, boat races. bands wot Ringo Starr. Highways not clogged with out of town traffic. I once got drunk and rode an elephant.
I have pictures of the elephant riding you.... and you have an elephant tattoo on your ass to prove it!

"What happens in Austin, stays weird."
I don't show that tattoo to many