credit or gift cards

sue_nami's Avatar
just curious, when a guy wants an appointment and can only pay with credit cards or gift cards, why is that? if you have the money to buy the cash card or pay a credit card bill, why do you not have the money for a cash visit? I understand hiding it from the wife, but doesn't she see the credit card bills and say what is this gift card for $200? why do some only hobby with credit or gift cards and are unable to use cash?
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Duh got it as a gift... free pussy is the best kind.
sue_nami's Avatar
I am talking about the guys who ONLY do it this way, not a guy who has one gift card to use. I can understand a real gift but many here always use cards and never ever have cash.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I accept certain gift cards sometimes if asked before hand and when a receipt is present. I will also accept cash app.

I dont understand the big deal.. if you don't accept gift cards as a form of payment then just simply say sorry but I accept cash only. For the most part they spend just like cash.. I've paid bills with them, bought groceries, and have gone shopping etc with them so I don't really see much of a problem.

Quite frankly I don't care why or what the reason is that a guy needs to use them. As long as he has asked before hand if it's okay to use, it is the correct donation and they have the proper receipt then I'm good with it. It's really none of my business why he chooses/needs to use a giftcard instead of paying cash.

There are many reasons why he would use them. Easier to hide from the spouse when bought somewhere like a grocery store.. it would just look like a purchase for groceries. Maybe he won one or was gifted one for a place or store he would never visit and instead of throwing it away.. a lady might be interested. Can say he purchased one as a gift for so and so, a co worker, a family member, a work event (work party, give away, employee baby shower, retirement gift/party etc) and so on which would be more believable than taking a chunk of cash out of atm... most people don't send cash through the mail so it would be believable if he said it was a giftcard for aunt susie in nebraska.

I've also heard from a few clients that they have a secret credit card that their wife does not know about. They set statements to be email only or sent to a business address. They can then purchase things secretly this way such as giftcards, paypal etc since the wife doesn't have access.
sue_nami's Avatar
cool, good explanation hun. I've never thought of the secret credit card part. I do only take cash and say so. it made me wonder why, if they keep trying to see me with a card after I've told them before I only take cash, I was wondering why someone could never access the cash. that makes sense. thanks.
Whispers's Avatar
Very common for Spiffs and Bonuses from vendors to sales people outside of the company they work for. Many different professions use them to influence sales people.

The audiologist that only recommends Oticon might receive several hundred dollars a month from Oticon in the form of Gift Cards. Sony may spiff a certain model TV $50 a sale generating a few hundred dollars to the smart sales person monthly. Even Pfizer spiffs doctors this way for some medications.

Individual records are not always kept.

A guy with an expense account may fraudulently buy gift cards reportedly to give to clients and instead use them for his personal benefit. Fraudulent but it happens.

A guy could probably convince a wife that he spends a few hundred dollars on gift cards every month to give to clients as a personal appreciation of their business if it is an account that pays him well.
I've also heard from a few clients that they have a secret credit card that their wife does not know about. They set statements to be email only or sent to a business address. They can then purchase things secretly this way such as giftcards, paypal etc since the wife doesn't have access. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
This 👆🏻
Britttany_love's Avatar
Passion2015's Avatar
Gift cards are one thing but, anyone who is paying with a credit card is just plain stupid.

Why would anyone give that type of personal information to provider for service?

Are hobbyist that hard up here that they cant get tail unless they come here and pay for it?

Just saying using a credit card is ridiculous.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Gift cards are one thing but, anyone who is paying with a credit card is just plain stupid.

Why would anyone give that type of personal information to provider for service?

Are hobbyist that hard up here that they cant get tail unless they come here and pay for it?

Just saying using a credit card is ridiculous. Originally Posted by Passion2015
One could say the same thing about you requesting providers meet you at your place of business. That would be pretty stupid. atleast when paying with apps such as venmo, cash app, and paypal.. it doesn't give the recipient any of the cardholders personal information. Only the cardholder and the business being used will have that info.
Passion2015's Avatar
Are you obsessed with passion2015 that you had to dig up an ISO from 2016? WOW. Dont be a hater Brittney. That was only a scenario but is totally different from a personal credit card with all your info and charging.

No worries I still like you
Britttany_love's Avatar
Are you obsessed with passion2015 that you had to dig up an ISO from 2016? WOW. Dont be a hater Brittney. That was only a scenario but is totally different from a personal credit card with all your info and charging.

No worries I still like you Originally Posted by Passion2015
Obsessed honey please don't flatter yourself! It wasn't a scenario you posted an in search of to have your dick serviced at work... come on now bro! I'm calling you out for doing something just as you call.. stupid... well I would say yours is well... quite worse. Pot meet kettle! You are calling people stupid for using a credit card given through an app that does not give the recipient any of your info what so ever. The transaction is done via that business and the purchaser. The funds only are transferred. Not a single bit of your personal info is given or accessible by us. Why do you think ladies don't like to take these forms of payments? They can be charged back leaving us without access to your info so we can get the money back.

I don't care if your post was back from 2016. I was dishing you up a taste of your own medicine. You like to always call guys dumb for doing this and that and claim they must be hard up if they do this or pay for that but you sir do the same shit. Don't get all pissey when you do and get called out for it. You still were doing something just as "stupid" as you try to preach about.

Trying to explain how you inviting a sex worker into your place of employment is not at all rather comical. A lady doesn't have your info from your credit card unless you physically give it to her but you don't think fucking a SWer in your office is not a danger. Well you must not worry about losing your job if caught screwing someone at the work place, peeping eyes, being caught by the wrong person, having a spouse/SO find out or having your boss find out. I'm sure that looks great on a termination letter.

So you are so worried about people having access to your personal information hmm well she will now know your name, where you work, who your employer is, and what you do for a living. How to contact them and fuck your world up is she is crazy. Info all that you literally handed to her that any crazy person could do damage with. Most businesses have cameras hmm that's not going to look at all suspicious you inviting a lady into your office "after hours" who is not an employee.

You are right passion! They are totally opposite.. seems if you should practice more of what you preach!
Passion2015's Avatar
Brittany, brittany, brittany, that happened to be a rental space with no name associated with it and it was a weekly rental. Lol

Don't be a hater girl. Be a lover
Britttany_love's Avatar
Sure passion your office after work now becomes a weekly rental space that doesn't require any personal info for liability or for legal purposes...ya ok buddy! At first it was just a scenario as you say. It's cool passion we all screw up sometimes
Passion2015's Avatar
Dang girl, you just dont give up.
FYI, It's all good. Heck I dont have to worry to much I am the boss

Dont worry, I wouldn't invite any provider to my home. I also wouldn't invite to my work space unless I was alone and no names are given or posted. Just a small rental spot work place that had me and my tools
Thanks for looking out for me