6 more Days - hateful DPST's

  • oeb11
  • 01-14-2021, 07:49 AM
DPST's - some of teh latest of your deeds to Warm teh cockles of One's hateful little hearts!

Why Remove Trump Now? A Guide to Trump's Impeachment


Trump Impeached for Inciting Insurrection


Comment - hypocritical DPST's ignore their very own Personal Riots in DPST Controlled states - Seattle, Portland , minneapolis, etc. And it slowed down - when Don Lemon commented on XiNN that the riots were hurting the DPST cause.

Kyle Rittenhouse flashed hate symbols, posed with Proud Boys in a Wisconsin bar, prosecutors say


They will use the DPST justice system to put this kid to
Death - for defending himself against radical terrorists who attacked him with self- admitted attempt to kill Him!
Self defense is no more a valid reason to use force to protect Oneself Against AntiFa and BLM and DPST terroists.

Not just the House: From golf pros to the Central Park Carousel, President Donald Trump is rebuffed


Comment - hate, and hateful DPST's and LSM!

Biden team prepares push for COVID relief bill expected to cost trillions


And putting Amrika in bankruptcy for a Marxist takeover.

Republicans are Getting Stripped of Money | Opinion


Comment - hateful, hateful DPST's!

YouTube ban: Google blocks new uploads to Donald Trump's channel after Capitol riots, citing potential for violence


As Abo ve


Republicans Are Tough on Terrorism Until the Terrorists Are Republicans


"Ad Choices - remember that !!!!

Diffeent when it is a DPST 'publishing point"


Don’t assume you’re getting a new $2,000 stimulus check from President Biden


"ad choices" talking point.

Emty promises from teh DPST;s - whose priority is spending on free stuff for every illegal alien from anywhere in the world - which comes with a requirement to vote DPST - jsut as in Stalinist russia and China under Mao and the CCP

Comey: Biden should consider pardoning Trump


LOL- Comey , hypocritically though his comment are intended - just stepped in it and ate it. The howlinig DPST hyena pack will savage his carcass just like the outgoing POTUS!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Question "who they gonna BLAME for well everything , they own it now and the coming failures
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Question "who they gonna BLAME for well everything , they own it now and the coming failures Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Bitches please.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Really Ellen?

Check your PMS, sweetie!

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Yssup enjoys mask wearing rioters and seditionists ONLY
  • oeb11
  • 01-14-2021, 10:20 AM
AE - AMEN!!!!!
DPST Hypocrites!
I only wish the federal govt was running a tab of all this cost for the trumpy idiots making idle wimpy threats. Trumpy closed the Capitol and now we have 50009 national guards protecting the real Americans capital from the trumpy white trash wannabes

The broke ass loser couldn't pay anything to make America smart again
winn dixie's Avatar
6 more days until the total installation of socialism!
txdot-guy's Avatar
Dear oeb11,
For four years now you have been using the acronym DPST as a cudgel to bludgeon those you disagree with. You giggle with glee at "owning" the libs. You don't want to argue the merits but would rather giggle with glee at "winning" at all costs. Well now you've lost and it's your turn to eat the dog shit. I sincerely hope you choke on it.
Lapdog's Avatar
6 more days until the total installation of socialism! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Ah, how sweet it is! Mission accomplished!
Lapdog's Avatar
Dear oeb11,
For four years now you have been using the acronym DPST as a cudgel to bludgeon those you disagree with. You giggle with glee at "owning" the libs. You don't want to argue the merits but would rather giggle with glee at "winning" at all costs. Well now you've lost and it's your turn to eat the dog shit. I sincerely hope you choke on it. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Dog shit is an excellent garnish, or even a tasty side dish to many crow recipes. I highly recommend it.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Ah, how sweet it is! Mission accomplished! Originally Posted by Lapdog
I know, right! We'll set up soviets all over the country, and plan to send dissidents to the gulag (North Dakota?).

matchingmole's Avatar
6 more days until the total installation of socialism! Originally Posted by winn dixie
