What Trump has done for the right wing

As stated previously, I'm an independent. I personally a strong two party system is good for the country, at least to a point. To be clear though, I've never been a fan of Trump, even before he ran for office. But, not going into that here.

It appears to me that Trump (who claimed to be a Democrat most of his life) has succeeded in dividing the Republican party between those who support his dogma and those that favor a more, shall we say moderate, approach.

The end effect of this schism, is that the Republican party may not be able to rally enough support to unify against Democrat opponents. Don't even have to be split 50/50, just enough for each sect to be a minority. I think Mitch realizes this. I doubt someon this board do, and are thereby contributing to the demise of the right wing (I did NOT say right thing).

Maybe that's Trump's plan, who knows. In any event, I think he and his compardres have crippled, if not at least but the Republican Party in deep kimshee for a few years politically. Not to mention, who knows who controls the party funds.

Trump's supporters should thank him for that.
HedonistForever's Avatar
As stated previously, I'm an independent. I personally a strong two party system is good for the country, at least to a point. To be clear though, I've never been a fan of Trump, even before he ran for office. But, not going into that here.

It appears to me that Trump (who claimed to be a Democrat most of his life) has succeeded in dividing the Republican party between those who support his dogma and those that favor a more, shall we say moderate, approach.

The end effect of this schism, is that the Republican party may not be able to rally enough support to unify against Democrat opponents. Don't even have to be split 50/50, just enough for each sect to be a minority. I think Mitch realizes this. I doubt someon this board do, and are thereby contributing to the demise of the right wing (I did NOT say right thing).

Maybe that's Trump's plan, who knows. In any event, I think he and his compardres have crippled, if not at least but the Republican Party in deep kimshee for a few years politically. Not to mention, who knows who controls the party funds.

Trump's supporters should thank him for that. Originally Posted by reddog1951

You may be right, as a matter of fact, I know you are right that Trumps actions have caused "some Republicans" to rethink their connection to the party but as I posted, a poll was taken by a well regarded pollster and he found that 91% of the people that voted for Trump, said they would do it again and not because they agreed with a handful of idiots that caused this schism but because they still believe in what he has done and wanted to do.

But the over riding question IMHO, in the coming years, is will the majority of Americans like what's coming or will they flee the Democrat party and don't discount the schism that I believe is coming in the Democrat party which I believe will put to shame what is happening to the Republican party. The Republican party is about a person, the policy beliefs are pretty much still there whereas the policy beliefs of the Democrats are yet to be rolled out for the American people to consider.

Remember many of the people that voted for Biden freely admit he wasn't their choice and Kamala Harris sure as hell wasn't their choice as we saw in the primaries. So now we'll have a front row seat to see what unbridled immigration, re-imposition of job killing regulations, Green New deal cost that will raise energy costs, higher taxes when the Democrats figure out that taxing Billionaires isn't going to raise the trillions they will need to pay for everything they want.

Everybody loved Obama until they didn't and he lost over 1,000 legislative seats that led to the rise of a populist like Trump. What goes around, comes around.
Trump doesn’t think past 5 minutes. And he doesn’t give 1 shit about anything to do with party. Shit he isn’t even a Republican to be honest. Anyone thinking he’s got a plan or strategy is foolishly fooling themselves looking for more than he could ever give.

The man only cares about how something advantages him and his family. He’s no ideologue.

You assume too much and convey upon him too much credit.
As stated previously, I'm an independent. I personally a strong two party system is good for the country, at least to a point. To be clear though, I've never been a fan of Trump, even before he ran for office. But, not going into that here.

It appears to me that Trump (who claimed to be a Democrat most of his life) has succeeded in dividing the Republican party between those who support his dogma and those that favor a more, shall we say moderate, approach.

The end effect of this schism, is that the Republican party may not be able to rally enough support to unify against Democrat opponents. Don't even have to be split 50/50, just enough for each sect to be a minority. I think Mitch realizes this. I doubt someon this board do, and are thereby contributing to the demise of the right wing (I did NOT say right thing).

Maybe that's Trump's plan, who knows. In any event, I think he and his compardres have crippled, if not at least but the Republican Party in deep kimshee for a few years politically. Not to mention, who knows who controls the party funds.

Trump's supporters should thank him for that. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Trump has no "plan" he is way too dumb for that. He labeled himself as Republican because he felt he had a better chance of winning under that. He is a salesman and marketer, not even close to a good politician, and a horrible human being.
Finally some rational discussion here. I think Biden is a one termer. Question is who's next? Harris too radical on left, Hawley too radical on right (I'm from MO, and would gladly take Harris over Hawley). Not being racist or sexist at all, but either side that brings a white male around 50-60 y/o with a moderate stance in 2024 will win. If the Republican party is still split, then the Democrats might still prevail, even if Harris is the candidate.

The radical right has brought it upon themselves simply because they cannot see further than their dicks..about 3 inches. Snarky, I know, but my view. Con men succeed because the conned don't want to admit they were conned.
I suspect Mitch will get his way and be rid of Trump. The Trumpys (like the racists and right wing nuts) will have nowhere to go but back to the GOP. The same will happen on the left (socialists) will have nowhere to but back to the Dems. The moderates will once again rule both parties.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I suspect Mitch will get his way and be rid of Trump. The Trumpys (like the racists and right wing nuts) will have nowhere to go but back to the GOP. The same will happen on the left (socialists) will have nowhere to but back to the Dems. The moderates will once again rule both parties. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

To put more moderates into power you must abolish gerrymandering. By making candidates run to the right or left of their constituents to get past the primary you incentivize the crazies on both sides. That's how we get people like AOC on the left and Josh Hawley on the right.
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  • 01-14-2021, 05:12 PM
Finally some rational discussion here. I think Biden is a one termer. d. Originally Posted by reddog1951
You think?

Hell he might be lucky to be a half termer.

I wished he'd picked Senator Amy K.

Biden didn't win....Trump lost.

Trump was a horrible President. No way he way getting reelected.
WTF..WTF? Unintelligible.
Tx-dotguy,I agree. Check Missouri on gerrymandering this year for a classic example. Did I mention who Josh Hawley and Mike Parsons were elected?
As stated previously, I'm an independent. I personally a strong two party system is good for the country, at least to a point. To be clear though, I've never been a fan of Trump, even before he ran for office. But, not going into that here.

It appears to me that Trump (who claimed to be a Democrat most of his life) has succeeded in dividing the Republican party between those who support his dogma and those that favor a more, shall we say moderate, approach.

The end effect of this schism, is that the Republican party may not be able to rally enough support to unify against Democrat opponents. Don't even have to be split 50/50, just enough for each sect to be a minority. I think Mitch realizes this. I doubt someon this board do, and are thereby contributing to the demise of the right wing (I did NOT say right thing).

Maybe that's Trump's plan, who knows. In any event, I think he and his compardres have crippled, if not at least but the Republican Party in deep kimshee for a few years politically. Not to mention, who knows who controls the party funds.

Trump's supporters should thank him for that.
Originally Posted by reddog1951
The only thing I truly thank Trump for is exposing the true enemy and that's the Media, Entertainment Industry and pretty much both Political Parties especially the Democrats. I doubt we'll ever have a decent Candidate on either side of the aisle. My faith in Government has seriously plummeted along with the Media who are nothing but activist not journalist.
Levi- I respectfully disagree with your sweeping statement, which is ok. Why are you surprised that the entertainment industry leans more left, been that way forever. Finance industry leans right,..been that way forever too. Thing is everyone (including me, I admit) has a voice nowadays on media. OF COURSE the poster is smarter than the reader. We all need digest multiple news reports from multiple sources, lest we unwittingly submit to propaganda.
Levi- I respectfully disagree with your sweeping statement, which is ok. Why are you surprised that the entertainment industry leans more left, been that way forever. Finance industry leans right,..been that way forever too. Thing is everyone (including me, I admit) has a voice nowadays on media. OF COURSE the poster is smarter than the reader. We all need digest multiple news reports from multiple sources, lest we unwittingly submit to propaganda. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I don't care if you agree with me or not. I know what I am talking about. This country has shown it's true colors since Trump has been President.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The only thing I truly thank Trump for is exposing the true enemy and that's the Media, Entertainment Industry and pretty much both Political Parties especially the Democrats. I doubt we'll ever have a decent Candidate on either side of the aisle. My faith in Government has seriously plummeted along with the Media who are nothing but activist not journalist. Originally Posted by Levianon17
i agree with this.

like I said, Mitch is in a rock and a hard place when it comes to a senate trial on a former president which has never happened before.

He risks splitting his party apart and making his base angrier.
damned if he does, damned if he do.
To put more moderates into power you must abolish gerrymandering. By making candidates run to the right or left of their constituents to get past the primary you incentivize the crazies on both sides. That's how we get people like AOC on the left and Josh Hawley on the right. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
That’s correct. But gerrymandering is hard to stop because no one in power wants to give it up.