Why worry?

I've dropped by again to see if anything has changed.
Nope. Lots of foolish nonsense and childish barbs.
This is precisely why many are worried about this nation.

I recall a recent Republican candidate for president asking us if we wanted to relive the past 50 years, or to move into a new era with mr. smooth himself, debonair Donald Trump.

I don't know about you, but for all the pleasures and turmoil and heartbreak and good living I've done during the past 50 years it's been mostly a pretty damn good run. Other than the four year trump debacle, things in our great nation held together and my beer was chilled in a working fridge.

It's ironic, really. People on here bitching about how shitty it all is. Yet, they have the leisure time to sit at their laptops and trade idle threats and post links. Yeah, life stinks. Well, at least the stench associated with a deceitful and two-faced egomaniac will soon be gone.
Yes. Yes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Except the rage whining has reached a deafening level.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Post quotes of said whining and bitching or you're fired.
I've dropped by again to see if anything has changed.
Nope. Lots of foolish nonsense and childish barbs.
This is precisely why many are worried about this nation.

I recall a recent Republican candidate for president asking us if we wanted to relive the past 50 years, or to move into a new era with mr. smooth himself, debonair Donald Trump.

I don't know about you, but for all the pleasures and turmoil and heartbreak and good living I've done during the past 50 years it's been mostly a pretty damn good run. Other than the four year trump debacle, things in our great nation held together and my beer was chilled in a working fridge.

It's ironic, really. People on here bitching about how shitty it all is. Yet, they have the leisure time to sit at their laptops and trade idle threats and post links. Yeah, life stinks. Well, at least the stench associated with a deceitful and two-faced egomaniac will soon be gone. Originally Posted by Muy Largo

Only to be replaced with another one.
Ummmmmm, so you are worried about this nation because there's alot of foolish nonsense and childish barbs on a hooker board? Ha! That's funny. That's all there is on a hooker board. I can't believe I'm actually having to explain this to someone. Thank you for not being on Team Trump.

I've dropped by again to see if anything has changed.
Nope. Lots of foolish nonsense and childish barbs.
This is precisely why many are worried about this nation.

I recall a recent Republican candidate for president asking us if we wanted to relive the past 50 years, or to move into a new era with mr. smooth himself, debonair Donald Trump.

I don't know about you, but for all the pleasures and turmoil and heartbreak and good living I've done during the past 50 years it's been mostly a pretty damn good run. Other than the four year trump debacle, things in our great nation held together and my beer was chilled in a working fridge.

It's ironic, really. People on here bitching about how shitty it all is. Yet, they have the leisure time to sit at their laptops and trade idle threats and post links. Yeah, life stinks. Well, at least the stench associated with a deceitful and two-faced egomaniac will soon be gone. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
It's getting better every day. The biggest loser ever has his bags packed and the courts await his presence
Oh Ms Ellen. Your hero, the orange phony one, is making a mockery of all who voted for him. If you can't see through his act, then you also can't understand that much of the nonsense on this board is posted in earnest by people who have also fallen for his disingenuous gambit. The evidence is overwhelming. But for those who can't comprehend it, well, go comfort yourselves with unfounded conspiracy theories to stimulate your questionable intellectual discretion. Trump's final ploy, stirring up a mob to attack the Capitol, was the stuff of legendary political incompetence, as well as being flat-out crude, hateful and senseless. Did he think he might prevail in some weird fashion through what that mob of his supporters might accomplish? He has had many chances to redeem himself during his tumultuous term, and he has failed each and every time. America, land of second chances, is now telling the phony brat that he's out of chances.
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2021, 11:35 AM
Those who are deluded by XiNN may well One day find themselves facing a reality crisis.
Yeah, OEB, a different level of communication in that one.
The concept is what bothers me more than anything. IMHO
Tweets contribute to a dumbing down of America, just as the modern advertising industry has done. Too many among us lack intellectual discretion. And I'm not talking about just Trump followers, though I view that odd cult as the most egregious example. One thing that separates blogs and sites like the one you pointed out is that people sign their full names to their posts. There's no anonymity there. Because I am hiding behind anonymity I feel less constrained on this board. I can make up shit, I can accuse people of made up shit. Like, Biden is a pedophile, or the leading Democrats are organizing sex traffic rings. You know, that kind of stuff. The product of careful intellectual analysis. The real news. Not the fake news. Yeah, Biden is a pedophile. The fake news didn't carry that story because they said it was fake. But the real reliable news sources carried that story, for sure. That's a slam dunk thing for sure. I heard Donald Trump Jr say that, and his dad never said a word against it. Yep, Biden and his Democrat friends are pedophiles. That story circulated quickly and comprehensively through the crowd of dense angry weirdos. Oh boy...it's hard to believe that QAON and Trump sheep will convey and accept that kind of information as factual.
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2021, 12:18 PM
I have never heard that Biden committed ( forbidden topic) - nor seen a tape of Don trump indicate that.

If he had done so - i would expect a firestorm of denial from the LSM.
Suggest that topic be closed, NOW!

our political system seems dominated by extremists on both sides - with no respect for Facts or Truth.

and in that - a representative democracy dies when Truth cannot be discerned, and the LSM is compleely dedicated to partisan cause - regardless of facts and truth.

There are many examples - XiNN and Ny Crimes - the Russia hoax - a 3 year hoax paid for by H... - and continued by a politiczed LSm and DOJ.

plenty of mis-representation on both sides!
This place is still amusing to read on occasion Muy. For the most part it's read smile laugh shake your head and move on.

And....be thankful Americans are not "that" stupid again. We will have a real president with a brain and smart people in the room:clapp ing:

Edit to add...if you hang around a minute you will soon very soon know that there are some posters you just ignore as way off the rails of society
Oh Muy, do you really think that the dumbing down of America started with Trumps tweets? Bless your heart. The dumbing down of America started way before Trump - as evidenced by some of the posters in this forum.

Yeah, OEB, a different level of communication in that one.
The concept is what bothers me more than anything. IMHO
Tweets contribute to a dumbing down of America, just as the modern advertising industry has done. Too many among us lack intellectual discretion. And I'm not talking about just Trump followers, though I view that odd cult as the most egregious example. One thing that separates blogs and sites like the one you pointed out is that people sign their full names to their posts. There's no anonymity there. Because I am hiding behind anonymity I feel less constrained on this board. I can make up shit, I can accuse people of made up shit. Like, Biden is a pedophile, or the leading Democrats are organizing sex traffic rings. You know, that kind of stuff. The product of careful intellectual analysis. The real news. Not the fake news. Yeah, Biden is a pedophile. The fake news didn't carry that story because they said it was fake. But the real reliable news sources carried that story, for sure. That's a slam dunk thing for sure. I heard Donald Trump Jr say that, and his dad never said a word against it. Yep, Biden and his Democrat friends are pedophiles. That story circulated quickly and comprehensively through the crowd of dense angry weirdos. Oh boy...it's hard to believe that QAON and Trump sheep will convey and accept that kind of information as factual. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Don't worry. Be happy!!!

America is smart again
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2021, 06:14 PM
ts - glad you think so.