McDonald say what

He agreed that trumpy is a lying pos that caused the idiots to storm the Capitol. Convection time and McDonald's begging for forgiveness

I didn't expect America to be that smart
Makes me reconsider chances of the impeachment being upheld. I do have constitutional doubts though, as much as I'd get off on it suceeding.
Ripmany's Avatar
There seem to kick fast food ass,

old MacDonald old MacDonald EIEIO old MacDonald had a farm old MacDonald had a farm EIEIO old MacDonald had a farm old MacDonald had a farm there was a cow moo moo on a farm there was a cow moo moo and a farm there was a cow moo moo and a farm there was a pig and a pig and a pig and on that farm there was a chicken and a chicken and and on our farm there was a bale of hay and a bill of hay was good eating and then they seen Biden and by and took running
They ran in two different directions though as losers do.

The McDonald chickens ran far right and are begging Congress to start playing by the rules and be fair starting at 12 noon today

The trumpy chickens are running around like a chicken with their head cutt off with a lot of mucho arrest records and no more Twitter in chief.

The gop civil war is on between two losing sides with No winners