Biden administration to shift focus to domestic terrorism

  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2021, 09:19 AM

Joe Biden is set to make domestic terrorism a primary focus entering his first days in office, moving away from foreign terror threats. On Tuesday, reports indicated Biden transition officials may pull resources used for counterterrorism and instead use them to combat domestic terror.
The move followed a promise made by Biden and his team that they would “follow suit” after the protest on Capitol Hill.
In a Senate panel confirmation hearing, Joe Biden’s pick for Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, said she will be cracking down on those who stirred up chaos.
“In any event, if I am confirmed as the Director of National Intelligence, obviously the intelligence community is not in the lead in managing these events. It’s the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security,” Haines stated. “But the intelligence community I hope will have an important role in supporting their work and ultimately in particular looking at any connections there are between folks in the United States and externally foreign, you know abroad, or connections or influence that might have been appropriately identified in the context of the intelligence community.”

Joe Biden’s pick for National Intelligence Director Avril Haines spoke during a confirmation hearing before the Senate intelligence committee on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2021, in Washington. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post via AP, Pool)

Many conservatives fear the new Biden terror agenda will unfairly target Trump supporters and Biden’s political opponents.
There is also concern the shift could make the U.S. vulnerable to foreign threats from China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries.

the criminal biden puppet regime will target as domestic terrorists" - all republicans, conservatives, anyone who voted Trump ever, and roll out the purges and re-educations camps called for by leaders AOC, and the squad as punishment , and to totally defeat any chance of DPST/CCP party ever losing their 'POWER" again.

The intolerance of anyone of a different opinion is totalitarian nature - and embraced by all the good little sheeples of eth DPST/CCP party.

and when they came for me (sheeples) - there was no one to speak for Me!