Biden to focus on domestic terror, possibly targeting Trump supporters

  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2021, 09:46 AM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:28 AM PT – Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Joe Biden’s national security team will reportedly take actions against domestic extremism in the wake of the Capitol Hill demonstrations as well as ongoing threats to Washington, D.C. and state capitol buildings.
According to reports this week, Biden transition officials and his incoming national security team are seeking to shift government resources for counter-terrorism to fight domestic threats.
During Senate confirmation hearings Tuesday, Biden’s nominee for director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, said she would draft a public report of the conspiracy theory QAnon, which has been labeled by the mainstream media as a “cult” and part of the fuel that led to the January 6 violence.
If she is confirmed as the nation’s top intelligence chief, Haines promised to work with federal law enforcement agencies conducting these political probes.
“Obviously the Intelligence Community is not in the lead in managing these events,” she stated. “It’s the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, but the Intelligence Community I hope will have an important role in supporting their work and ultimately in particular looking at any connections there are between folks in the United States and externally foreign.”
This new Biden terror agenda is being slammed by conservatives who fear this is an effort to target the Trump base.
The mainstream media has already amplified this narrative as former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe claimed on CNN that pro-Trump supporters have been radicalized by President Trump. He went as far as comparing them to ISIS militants.
“They’ve clearly been radicalized and it explodes in an orgy of violence and mayhem,” said McCabe. “And just insanity…it has all the hallmarks of a riot of extremists.”
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Former Trump campaign adviser Mercedes Schlapp issued a warning about McCabe’s comments on Twitter Monday. She fired back, noting this is where the left is going next.
Schlapp went on to say the irresponsibility of the left is appalling and will cause further division.
MORE NEWS: Biden seeking to ‘Make America California Again?’

the purges and re-educations camps of the criminal biden puppet regime are now enabled.

100 million are at risk of midnight jackboot PC police visits to remove 'dissidents' to the re-education camps.

Stalinism in United soviet socialist states of amerika is a reality!!!

From my cold, dead, hands.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
GOOD! Maybe GG can preside over one of his ripe parties, LOL!

— President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Never having been on Social Media in my life, I find it amusing how in 2021 applying for job will require that you submit any social media site you have ever visited and failure to provide this information will result in disqualification from said job. Then your media posts will be scanned for key words made possible by an algorithm by Mark Zukerberg and Jack Dorsey, to see if you have ever taken an "objectionable" position on anything.

I see that the powers that be took that that Democrat Congressman's advice and checked the social media of every White male in the National Guard and so far have found 12 such individuals with objectionable posts who were not only dismissed from their duties but will likely return home to find their names on the front page of the local newspaper and a recommendation by the "concerned citizens" of said community, that nobody hire these individuals because "they can't be trusted" to hold a job anywhere, doing anything.

Gee, I wonder what a well trained, young White male might do when he realizes that by making some braggadocio comment on a social media site, he can't find work and is ostracized from his community? Will he ""A"-take it like a man and beg forgiveness or
"B"- look to join other likewise banned brothers and figure out how they might pay back the people that have cost them everything.

I have the feeling America is going to look like a very different place if this "revenge" crap keeps up and it ain't gonna be pretty.

President Biden says he want unity. What will he say to achieve this unity he wants? Will the radical left of his party approve of his call for unity or will they call for revenge on anybody that dared to vote for a candidate they didn't like?

OH, and in case you are wondering what the new definition of domestic terrorist is, it's anybody that voted for or now expresses support for Trump or anybody that "appears" Trump like.
no one made anyone use social media. No one makes people voice their opinions for the world to see. I personally could care less what people see on my Facebook, LinkIn or other social media pages. I know not to put anything there that can be used against me.

Sadly, what you point out is true. Some white guy will not take personal responsibility for his own actions and possibly change, instead he will get mad that people dont like racists or homophobes or xenophobes. He will claim that it's free speech and there are no consequences to ones actions. That is the real shame.
matchingmole's Avatar
President Biden is cool like that
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Never having been on Social Media in my life, I find it amusing how in 2021 applying for job will require that you submit any social media site you have ever visited and failure to provide this information will result in disqualification from said job. Then your media posts will be scanned for key words made possible by an algorithm by Mark Zukerberg and Jack Dorsey, to see if you have ever taken an "objectionable" position on anything.

I see that the powers that be took that that Democrat Congressman's advice and checked the social media of every White male in the National Guard and so far have found 12 such individuals with objectionable posts who were not only dismissed from their duties but will likely return home to find their names on the front page of the local newspaper and a recommendation by the "concerned citizens" of said community, that nobody hire these individuals because "they can't be trusted" to hold a job anywhere, doing anything.

Gee, I wonder what a well trained, young White male might do when he realizes that by making some braggadocio comment on a social media site, he can't find work and is ostracized from his community? Will he ""A"-take it like a man and beg forgiveness or

"B"- look to join other likewise banned brothers and figure out how they might pay back the people that have cost them everything.

I have the feeling America is going to look like a very different place if this "revenge" crap keeps up and it ain't gonna be pretty.

President Biden says he want unity. What will he say to achieve this unity he wants? Will the radical left of his party approve of his call for unity or will they call for revenge on anybody that dared to vote for a candidate they didn't like? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
So what would be worse?

Risking "B"- look to join other likewise banned brothers and figure out how they might pay back the people that have cost them everything.


Triage and burial for the victims of another OKC attack?

If we fail to find and prevent domestic and foreign terrorists, that's the chance we take.
matchingmole's Avatar
Thought OANN would be reporting on Trump's second term today...seems kind of low key.

pretzel twisted logic the left is forced to adopt