How True is This?

Poet Laureate's Avatar
Guy at a bar sits down next to a very attractive woman. They give each other the once-over, and he casually asks "Would you have sex with me for ten thousand dollars?"
She looks him over a little more carefully, then nods her head yes and starts to pick up her purse.
"Great," he breathes, obviously relieved. "Would you have sex with me for fifty dollars?"
Surprised and angry, she pulls back, righteous indignation showing on her face. "Of course not," she snaps. "What do you think I am?"
"We've established that," he replies. "Now we're negotiating."
Hahahaha! that's a good one.....
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LMAO!! Good one C.K9

chicagoboy's Avatar
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
That quote has been attributed most often to Winston Churchill, but this appears to be the origin:

In January 1937 the syndicated newspaper columnist O. O. McIntyre printed a version of the anecdote that he says was sent to him as a newspaper clipping. This tale featured a powerful Canadian-British media magnate and politician named Max Aitken who was also referred to as Lord Beaverbrook [MJLB]:
Someone sends me a clipping from Columnist Lyons with this honey:
“They are telling this of Lord Beaverbrook and a visiting Yankee actress. In a game of hypothetical questions, Beaverbrook asked the lady: ‘Would you live with a stranger if he paid you one million pounds?’ She said she would. ‘And if be paid you five pounds?’ The irate lady fumed: ‘Five pounds. What do you think I am?’ Beaverbrook replied: ‘We’ve already established that. Now we are trying to determine the degree.”
Note that this newspaper version does not use the blunt phrase “sleep with”. Instead, a more oblique expression, “live with”, is employed to conform to the conventions of the period.
John-how much for a good time honey?
John- you are putting me on.
Hooker- that's $20 extra.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
'That quote has been attributed most often to Winston Churchill,'

Here's my favorite Winston Churchill story...
Before WWII, before he was Prime Minister, Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty (Head honcho of the British Navy, for those of you who don't know). He was also a world famous drinker, and of course we know he had a quick wit.
At one party he was trying to make a point but a woman kept interrupting him. Exasperated, he finally looked at her and said "Madam, you are quite ugly!" Shocked, the woman tried to salvage her dignity by responding "Mr. Churchill, I do believe you're drunk." To which Churchill immediately retorted "Yes, madam, but in the morning, I'll be sober."